The Date (2/3)

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Make-up? Check!

Hair? Check!

Jumpsuit? Check!

Sandals? Check!

I glanced at myself before finally entering the cinema. I am so ready for you Brad Pitt and hello, Doctor Stranger!

I immediately received an SMS as soon as I sat on the cinema's waiting area. So apparently, Sarah gave my number in a complete stranger. Unbelievable.

From: 0926XXXXXXX

Hi, Akira. It's me, the guy Sarah was referring to. I'm here at the waiting area. Can't wait to see you.

Received: 7:15 pm

What a cheesy line to end the message. Still, I typed a reply saying I just got there and I'm wearing a jumpsuit. I don't want to appear rude. After all, first impressions last.

A phone beeped behind my back. I slowly turned my head to see if he's the date I'm expecting.





Is he?

There's just no way in hell.

Why is he wearing scrubs?

No. This can't be happening.

This isn't funny, Universe!

I immediately stood up, frantically wanting to get out.

"Akira?" A voice from behind called.

Oh great!

"Hey." I said in a small voice. Can't I just freeze the time and escape? God, this is ridiculous.

"So, let's go in? Do you still have somewhere to go?" He asked with a smile.

Ugh. That's the friggin' smile that got me for years.

"I was going to the restroom. What do you mean 'let's'?" I asked trying to pull off a clueless look.

"I am the date Sarah was pertaining to. It's okay, go to the restroom first. I'll wait for you here."

I texted Sarah all the swear words I know as soon as I got in the restroom. How dare she is? She's my bestfriend. She knew very well about this guy. I told her everything about my past which I want to forget for good. What was she thinking? Impossible.


Why do I sound like a pig when I'm drunk? Disgusting.

"I can't believe it Sarah. He is so naïve, I thought he was smart!" I yelled.

"Shh. He's a human Aki, not a mutant with mental telepathy. I told you to be honest with your words."

"Believe me, I won't fall for others, I'm just waiting for you." I said making quotation marks with my hands.

"Those were the exact same lines he told me. And then I said, it's okay, you don't have to wait for me. We're still young, you might meet other girls who are prettier and wiser than me. I will completely understand."

"Why would you say that?" Sarah asked in disbelief.

"Hah! Can you imagine? I said that and he actually believed it! What a moron! Boys are all stupid. Why can't they distinguish which words are meant by girls and which are not?! Unbelievable."

"Honey, they're not mind readers." Remarked Sarah while shaking her head.

"Even so, if he really did loved me, how come he already seemed to forget me in his three weeks of internship there in Chicago? Asshole!" I said while raising my middle finger. He deserve it.

Sarah wiped my wet face. What the hell? I can't believe I wasted my tears for that jerk.

-End of Flashback-

That was my last memory of us talking about Jacob. Before I passed out that night, I blocked him in all of my SNS accounts. I even blocked his number.

Still, I can't believe Sarah did this to me. That was like the first and last time I got drunk. I'm positive that she planned this out. This is blasphemy.

(2 of 3. Word Count: 552 words)

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