All About Us

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"Hanji, I don't know if I can do this!" Eren blurted desperately. Hanji laughed and adjusted her glasses, watching him tug the lapels of his suit jacket. She admired her own handiwork, utterly ignoring his cries for help.

The suit itself was a navy blue, with a mercury silver tie and a shirt of an almost-black-but-in-some-light-purple dress shirt.

"Eren, you'll crinkle your suit. You remember your choreography?" Eren nodded as she slapped his hands down. "You remember how to dance?"

Another nod." Good. Now all you've got to do is not forget how to breath. Got it?"

Eren took a deep breath and huffed in her face to prove a point. Laughing and wrinkling her nose, she pulled a packet of strawberry spearmints from her pocket and shoved the metal tin in his open mouth, surprising him into submission. "You'll need them."

Erwin, who had been leaning on the door, chuckled. "Don't steal my date, Jaeger." Eren rolled his eyes, miming poking Hanji with a pole.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Eyebrows."
Hanji, clad in her delicately beautiful shin-length baby blue dress, spun in a circle and clutched her purse close. "Let's go! We've got to get Eren positioned and then you've got to go pick up Captain Short-Stuff."

Erwin nodded and took her arm, like the enormous gentleman he was, and led the three of them to his car. Mikasa was already driving off in her own with Sasha bouncing beside her.

Eren tugged his earlobe nervously, glancing out of the window.
Can I handle this?

Eren snorted into his drink at Jean's awful puns and Armin giggled consistently, gazing his his equine boyfriend adoringly. Eren rolled his eyes, then blushed slightly. It's the same way you look at Levi, dumbass. He shook his head and finished off his drink. He checked his watch. Shit.

"Are you ready?" Armin whispered, shooing Jean away then smoothing and fiddling with the lapel of Eren's suit. Levi still wasn't back from the restroom and Jaeger hoped to every god imaginable that he wouldn't screw this up.

"God, Ar, I'm terrified!" He squeaked lowly in reply, glaring at the blond shroom as Armin laughed at his distress.

"It's all going to go just fine, okay? Now just wait for the announcement and calm your tiddies."

Eren grinned and shuddered, attempting to calm his nerves as he fiddled with the contents of his pocket.  A few minutes later, Levi was pressing his small body into Eren's side wordlessly and Jean was on stage.

"Ladies, gentleman, everyone of the like, may I have your attention?" He called into the microphone, and the music and chatter died instantly. He grinned in satisfaction. "Now! It is my pleasure to announce this college's Prom Royalty!" A loud cheer echoed around the room. He pulled two cards from his pocket.

"Tonight's Prom King is.. Eren Jaeger!" Eren blinked, faking surprise, and moved towards the stage when Levi placed a hand on the small of his back and pushed him forwards. Jean grinned knowingly as he stepped up, but Eren ducked away from the flower crown, causing him to laugh. "Anything you'd like to say?"

"Uh, no, not really. Thanks?" Eren floundered, drawing a few chuckles from the stilled dancers.

"Fine! Be that way.  Now, tonight's Prom Queen- no, King, because I feel like I'll lose an important part of my body, Levi Ackerman, get your butt up here!"

It was the same reaction, but Levi really was surprised, enough to be oblivious of the small flower crown placed delicately on his head.

"As tradition states, the college prom royalty will have one special dance of their own, and on the second song you may all join back in! You ready, boys? Start the music!" Those on the stages moved away quickly and Eren grinned nervously, giving a little bow to Levi, who rolled his eyes at his extravagant-looking boyfriend. Eren snaked a hand to his waist and pulled Levi a little closer than necessary, but the music started nonetheless and Levi's eyes widened as Eren's voice came over the intercom.

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