My year

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This school year  was crazy .    I've met  a bunch of new people .

Like Nykitia  ,Allie , Nicole  and etc .   I also have  reunited with some old

  friends from  8th grade  .  Which I don't have friends I have family  .  Which

  means that basicly I consider my  closest  friends  family because they've been for me since 

6th grade no matter what happened  what was said ,or done  they've stuck by me and had my back and i've always and always will  Ride or Die for my  true family.

Back to the story  .   There was a bunch of hard times that drove me insane  and into a dark time but i'm back not completely though.  I was to far gone to recover completely .

Here's the thing though  I 've met a girl that has changed my life completely  in the best way.  This girl  who's name is  Kayla  Dawson  has brought back the light and love that I had lost.   Do to  my last break up with my last ex.

This girl was different from everyone else  and that's why I ask her out and for what she's helped me with .    And she said yes .

Now I can't lie I still have some bad times  but I have her to help me get through them  .

Now that's all for now because my year isn't up yet .    But I'll make sure that it will be the best one yet .

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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