Chapter Three

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Kyra pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. Her parents had stayed here several times and they knew her and Nicky here too. She got out, walking to the back of her car. She got her things out, heading inside.

“Good afternoon, Miss Baldwin,” the desk manager greeted her. He was only about as tall as she was. He had red hair and pale skin, but he was one of her favorite people that worked here. She wondered what the little man would think if Ben and Tom walked in here, as tall as they both were.

She shook them – him – out of her head, “I’ve been better… how ‘bout you, Marty?”

“I’m just dandy,” he smiled. He almost looked like a teenager. “But what makes you so unhappy?”


“How is he? Did you get into a fight?”

“No, Marty…. I guess you haven’t seen the news yet.”

“No, ma’am, haven’t had the chance.”

“You should when you have time. Do you have a room for me?”

“I sure do. Would you like the usual one?”

“That’d be fine.”

Another young man came over to take her bags for her. Marty handed her the key, and the bellhop followed her to her room. She tipped him ten dollars when he left. She sat down on the soft and fluffy couch.

Her mind drifted back to the restaurant. Why had Ben done that to her? Even though he did seem sincere in his apology, but isn’t how it usually works? Who was she kidding? She had no idea how it worked. Marty probably had more dating skills than she had. Dating was pretty much ruined for her four years ago.

She cleared her mind. She didn’t want to think about the past.

She closed her eyes and Ben’s face popped into her head. That wasn’t exactly what she wanted to think of either. Her mind went back to their lunch. Did she really take him wrong? She didn’t know, but it seemed like maybe she had.

She thought about their conversation. She couldn’t forget that he was a cop, and she was the only one he could go to for anything about Nicky that might help them find the person who wanted this to happen. How and why did it upset her so badly when he asked about Nicky? It was stuff he probably needed to know.

Then part of the conversation hit her. The men were looking for a wooden box. What would Nicky have in the box that could get him killed over? The only things she knew he kept in it were little things.

She got up, walking over to her bags sitting on the bed. She opened the duffle, pulling the box out and opening it. There wasn’t much in it. But moving the few items around, she saw a pregnancy test that read positive. The way her brother had been, she figured it was probably one of Tiffany’s. Nicky had wanted children badly. She wished he had been able to have one.

Then she came across a paper all folded up. ‘Nicky’ was written on the outside of it in a female’s handwriting. She didn’t remember Tiffany’s, and it made her wonder if Nicky had been that in love with her. She opened it.

My Dearest Nicky,

I know that we have to do this all in secret, which I really don’t like and wish that we didn’t have to do. Hopefully it can all be changed so we won’t have to anymore.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you I love you. One day I know we will be able to be together. I have faith. Especially after everyone finds out I am pregnant with your baby. I know, I am waiting, just like you asked me too. I think it is the best for right now. Though, I think you should tell your sister as close as the two of you are.

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