chapter 2 welcome to Thundera

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Lisa and Louis woke up in a field.  "We must of passed out after we went through the portal." Liosia said.

"Yes we must have." Louis said.

  "We should go by our real names now."  Lisa said.

"Okay sis, I have to get use to being called Leonaro." he said.

"I have to get use to being called Liosia." she said.

They looked into a nearby lake and saw they were lions with golden fur and soft caramel manes. 

They noticed something. "Eek!" they said.

"We're naked!" Leonaro said.

"We need to put some clothes on or use some thing as clothes." Liosia said.

She saw some old clothe sails and tarps. She found a box full of needles and thread to keep the sail in one piece and she used it to make clothes for her and her brother.

"This will do until we get some money to buy some clothes." Liosia said.

"This is a little embarrassing." Leonaro said.

"It's better than being naked." Liosia said.

"You're right, you're right." he said.

They saw the gate that opened up to the city of Thundera. "Maybe in there we can get some money and get some clothes and food as well." Liosia said.

"Good idea." Leonaro said.

Then they went through the gate together.

Liosia and her brother head through the gate and found themselves in Thundera. "Boy this is a big place huh sis?" Leonaro said.

"You said it," Liosia said.

"It's like a kingdom version of New York." Leonaro said.

"Just be quiet about that stuff." Liosia said.

"But what if they ask?" he asked.

"Then that is different matter and it depends on who's asking." she answered.

"Okay," Leonaro said.

They soon found themselves in a bad part of town. "Looks like we are in a bad part of the city." Liosia said.

Liosia saw a thug beating up on a dog. "Hey you! There is nothing brave about beating up on someone smaller than you!" she said.

The Thug turned and saw Liosia. "Uh oh," Leonaro said.

"Hello miss what's your name?" the thug said.

"None of your business!" Liosia said. She didn't like the way he was looking at her.

"Back off mister leave my sister alone!" Leonaro said.

"Butt out kid!" the thug said pushing Leonaro to the ground.

"OUCH!" Leonaro said.

"Hey leave my little brother alone." she said.

"Come on girly want to go for a walk?" the thug asked.

"No, go away!" she said.

"Come on now don't be like that," the Thug said.

"I want to you to leave me and my brother alone!" Liosia told the thug.

"You heard the lady leave her alone." a cloaked form said.

"Look what we have here someone else who looks like they need a lesson about being in the slums." the thug said.

Liosia a lion princess ( Thundercats story.)Where stories live. Discover now