June 8, 2017

4 1 1

Ezekiel woke to a beeping monitor. "What the.." he choked.
"Shh," the nurse with long dark hair told him.
He looked up. He noticed a red I.V. bag.
"I'm your nurse, Natalie. Since you're awake I will get your doctor."
She quickly left the room.

Ezekiel looked around at the pale walls. And at his arms. They were wrapped in bandages. He groaned and got up and went to the restroom.

Again he examined himself in a mirror.  His face was nearly white. He noticed blood down his arm, and quickly realised he ripped out his I.V. He was getting thinner. His skin was almost transparent. He realised why he was here. He didn't succede.

Ezekiel hit the mirror shattering it. His knuckles were bleeding and he broke. For the first time in 3 years he cried. He hadn't cried since his mom died.

He collapsed to the floor, and cried. His head pounded. He played on the cold floor as he thought about his mom. If she was here, he knew he wouldn't had been here. He thought how he'd never would have smoked, or drank or went to parties. How he wouldn't have popped all of those pills.

Ezekiel remembered what he done at the last party and his stomach churned. What have I done? He began to hate himself all over.  He no longer felt numb. However he only felt pain and anger surging through him.
"I hurt her," he thought over and over.

The doctor came in. He knocked on the door. 
"Excuse me, are you okay? I'm Dr. Smohar."
"He c-can't never man up n' face 'is probems," his dad stuttered. "He al-always been that way. He went to mommy now he cant. She's dead  and serves her right."

Dr. Smohar was shocked.

Ezekiel flew out of the bathroom. "Shut up about mom! You're nothing but a  sorry, worthless drunk. It should be been you! Not her! It should  have never been her!"

"Oh ya ss-speak up now? Better drugs in em pumps, ehh?

"I've faced my problems. I face you, and you're all of them," Ezekiel choked.  "You never supported me. I was thirteen. Thirteen!"

That's when a nurse came in to take vitals. "What are all of these scared from?" she asked concerned.

Ezekiel shrugged. "Some from a wreck. It was me, my mom. She died. An old drunk hit us.." He whispered looking at his father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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