An Anchor

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An anchor i want for this ship of my life,
that travels around looking for a home,

I brush a lot of shores,
but am never really sure,
as to which one will accept me as their own,

I want an anchor,
to drop it at home,
Now home is not a place,
For me it is rather a face,

A face that sails beside me on all my sails,
the ones where i get past the storms,
and the ones where i fail,

A face that smiles,
When it witnesses my most raw form,
a little contradictory to the norms,
But she smiles......

a face that makes me feel wanted,
even in times when i feel haunted,
who's lips brush away my worries,
who's hugs squeeze out my fears,
that no one really cares,

A face,
that sees my wonded heart,
like a delicate work of art,

A face so kind,
so perfect,
is so hard to find,

so i sail across the ocean,
looking for an anchor to hault this motion,
as my ship brushes a thousand shores,
But i am never really sure,
as to which one will accept me as their very own.
               ~Muhammad Daniyal Tariq

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