Chapter 2 - Girlfriend

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Since that day on he told me everything. His drug addiction, his delusions of Mr. Robot (a guy that looked exactly like his father who told him to do horrible things to others and himself), the fact that he is also a hacker and that he was the one who tried to hack me that night we met, his dead ex-girlfriend and friend, his memory loss and his loneliness; he showed me everything and for some fucked up reason I liked him even more. Even though he was broken and on the verge of insanity he made me want to be with him even more because I felt like I could protect him from whoever he is working with and more importantly from himself and also be someone he can trust. So I promised myself I would always fight for him for my Elliot, not for Mr. Robot from which I must say he doesn't like me that much. Actually Mr. Robot hates me because he knows I make Elliot better to the point where he doesn't need him when he is around me. But he has always tried to get in my way getting into heated discussions with Elliot about how I'm I a waste of time and how he should break up with me because he would get emotionally attached and eventually screw up "their" plan. But in spite everything he said, Elliot always put up a fight for me (even though he was fighting himself) and kept me with him.

I remember the night he told me to be his girlfriend. We were on Coney Island at night we we're grabbing hands and talking shit about the world as the breeze started to get a bit heavy and cold, there were a few people around about 20 or less since the whole fair was abandoned 2 years ago. Suddenly Elliot let go of my hand and we sit down on a bench near the entrance as he pulls out his laptop and looked at me at bit nervous "Do you want to see something cool?" From which I nodded "Umm hell yeah what are you going to do techy boy" and as soon as I was going to poke him in the arm for me to respond for me, he hits the enter key on the keyboard of his laptop and all the lights started turning on and the rides started functioning again. I started at the lights around me amazed as tears started forming in my eyes as I turned around to face him with the widest smile on earth "Holy shit Elliot! This is so frikin cool I LOOVE IT! And so I hugged him excitedly and then backed away and looked at him in the eyes "Errmm thanks I've been planning this for quite a while, I wanted to surprise you." One tear falls down my cheek from the excitement and a started questioning as to why would he do that or how long have you been planning this and for what? My mind sensed that something was going on and my heart started fluttering with feelings and I started daydreaming about the craziest things and like "what if this is his way of telling me this is a date and I'm not getting it? Or what if he's just being nice and wanted to make up to you for something? Does he like me like that or like a friend? Do I? Okay, the last one was stupid question you dumbass, u don't like him u LOVE him and man r u head over heels for that boy and know the only thing you can think of is if he is going to propose to you or something? Come on be realistic, he probably uses you for something or someone or you are just a replacement for when his sister, or friend, or psychologist isn't around? Or do you think a guy like Elliot would love you? Yeah I mean he did love that girl Shayla but then again she was a prostitute and he fucked her first and then started dating her so what do you think this is going to be his time to play prince charming and start dating you and then get married and take away your nonexistent virginity? WAKE UP SWEETY that's not going to happen he is only trying to impress you to get in your pants so you can then be fully his, the easy way around. So STOP. FALLING FOR HIS CHEAP TRICKS. I snap out of my daydreams because Elliot was screaming at me and waving his hands in front of my face to get me back to Earth. When I finally do I look at him angrily, walking at and looked at his dead in the eyes "Why the fuck are you doing this?" Is the only thing that came out drily out of my mouth.

He looked at me confused and a bit sad and scared so he grabbed my hand and told me to follow him into the fairy's wheel. We got in, and let go of our hands and sat down next to each other and as the ride started going Elliot wasn't saying anything he was just looking at me not breaking eye contact so I thought 'well great know he's turned into Mr. Robot and knowing him and how high we are getting it wouldn't surprise me if he opened the goddamn door and threw me off here'. We were almost getting to the top when Elliot started saying "Elizabeth I.." Was he sweating a little bit? He looks a little pale; he might be sick or cold. "What do you want Mr. Robot?" He froze and looked at the floor then back at me "What?! No it's me Elliot why the hell did you taught it was him?" He started panicking thinking he might have said something and he doesn't remember it. "Well you haven't broken eye contact and this whole thing you are doing is pointless so what do you want? Why am I up here?" "Because I wanted to tell you how much I... " "You WHAT?! HUH HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO FUCK ME JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH SHAYLA OR PERHAPS LIE TO ME AND TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME BECAUSE YOU NEED SOMETHING FROM ME?! STOP WITH THIS BULLSHIT ELLIOT WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS REALLY ABOUT?!" At this point the couple that was at the top started looking down at us probably because of the yelling but I didn't care I was fed up and tired of men lying to get their way around so if this was going to be just another one of this hoax then I'm O-U-T. So just as I was getting angrier with myself and taking it down on Elliot he grabbed my face and kissed me. And HOLY SHIT does he kissed good he made me forget about everything as the kiss was getting a little bit more intense I backed away because I remember I needed air and I'm also asthmatic (goddamn you lungs). I looked at him in complete and utter regret and need. "I'm sorry for being an ass I just... I was being stupid just forget about what I said" "You were an ass but I forgive you and I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was him I was just really nervous this wouldn't work out and my 1 month plan will go to waste" he said as he looked at me in the eyes and I felt as we got to the top and he grabbed my hands not breaking eye contact "Elizabeth you have helped me throughout everything I've been through and even thought we'd our bad moments you always seem to be there and well I'm not good at this stuff of showing many emotions but I just.. I love you Elizabeth. And I don't know if you do to but I'm going to risk it and asked if you want to be my girlfriend?

Silence. From the voice inside my head, to the noise around us, to Elliot mumbling probably regretting what he said. The only thing I could do was nod while some tears of joy spilled down my cheeks as I kissed him again and put my arms around his neck. When we pulled away for air our foreheads were touching and my arms were still around him to which he looked at me and gave me a small smile and then looked at the floor and then back at me smiling as he said "You almost made me forget. I have something for you." As he handed me a small box not too small like if he was going to propose but just enough that it almost fitted in my hands. I looked at him surprised and even more stupidly in love as I opened the box quickly with excitement. I can see Elliot tried to wrap it himself, it wasn't well wrapped in fact it was horribly wrapped but the fact that he did this himself had me enough daydreaming about what was in the box. As I threw the paper at the floor I opened the lid of the box quickly to reveal a rose that was cut to the pedicel and the lid of the box that I was holding in my other hand read "look carefully inside the rose you might not want to lose what's inside up here" so I carefully went from the outside of each petal until I reached the center and I felt something hard and a bit cold touch my fingers so as I looked at Elliot I grabbed it and look down to see A small promise ring. So me being me I started to do what I do best, cry. I probably looked like shit already but I didn't care and just as I was about to fill him with hugs, kisses and thank you, he says "look below the rose" as he stared at me excited (to which I was smiling like an idiot because I've never seen Elliot excited so this must be good) so I put the lid on the bottom part of the box and found a USB. So he opened his backpack and took out his computer and I gave him the USB as he opened it and put the laptop in my lap. The whole screen was black so he handed me headphones and then he pushed the enter button and a video started rolling and the first thing that came up was pictures from us and small videos we made on his camera, even though he told me he deleted that for safety procedures, and his voice started talking in the background about how much I've helped him and how much he loved me and as the video started getting to an end I couldn't even breath from the whole time the video was playing "Please know that whatever happens or whatever I do is because I love you and I'm so glad you said yes because I don't know what I'll do without you. You are literally my absolute everything and I love you so much and I want you to know that emm you are very frikin hot, and smart and I couldn't have anyone else to be with. I know this took a little too long but after what happened with Shayla I don't know if I could hurt you like that but I promise I promise I will protect you from everyone and everything just like you did with me. " The video ended and I turned to see that Elliot has been looking at me this whole time and as I went to kiss him he cupped my face and said "And I mean it, every single word Elizabeth. Because I love you more than words can describe " And we kissed briefly until the ride came to an end so we putted the computer back in his backpack and headed out grabbing hands as he strokes my new promise ring and looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered in the whole world as we headed back into our apartments.

Internal Fatal Error - Mr. Robot FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora