Volcano {dualrosa}

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Don't hold yourself like that. you'll hurt your knees.~

The slave looked up, her glowing yellow and jade eyes still streaming tears from witnessing her son's execution. knotted in her short hair was the hand of the orphaner. her master. he yanked backward on it, forcing her to look up at him. a twisted snarling grin etched across his face.

I kissed your mouth and back. that's all I need.~

Rosa cried out, her head tossing to the side as she was thrown against the bed. his rough hands tore away at her dress at the top, exposing her bare pale skin. the glow that she gave off was nearly blinding as he kissed her roughly through her tears. a taste of whisky on his tongue.

Don't build your world around... volcanos melt you down

after so many sweeps of this abuse... another higherblood waltzed into the picture with her bright red boots. the marquise stole the slaves of the orphaner. every last one. though she paid special attention to his little pet... her dissheveled hair and violet stains across her ratty clothing. she was the one that she needed. the one that he would miss. so mindfang walked the jadeblood onto her ship... cleaned her up... put her in beautiful dresses. and lied to her.

What I am to you. is not real.~

the dolorosa's vision was blurred as her body moved without consent. she pleasured that new master of hers... fear shaking her down to the core as he looked on. this was her plan. this was her design. and the jadeblood was simply a pawn in her destructive kismesistide.

and what I am to you. you do not need.~

her mind played tricks on her as she lie with the captain... her eyes wide and afraid. "you don't need me" she whispered. the blueblood looked up at her... her eyes catching a bit of anger. "don't I?" she asked.

what I am to you. is not what you mean to me. you give me miles and miles of moutains and I'll ask for the sea~

the jadeblood sighed, her head resting on her hand as she stared off of the deck. her mind was a million miles away as the captain was in the nearest village. that's when she heard it. a voice. or was that her mind playing tricks again? no. it was him. she turned, seeing the captain there... well. another captain. the one with the scars across his face. she jumped startled before frowning. "I can't... I can't do this anymore.." she whimpered. "you don't have to" said the violetblood, feeling a pang of pity in his bloodpusher for the creature. he lifted his crosshairs to her, and shot. this sent her reeling over the deck and into the cold water below.


the dolorosa was reunited with the signless. a bittersweet meeting upon the discovery of how mentally scarred and broken the jadeblood really was. they awaited the arrival of more of their companions but never saw coming the day that those who hated them would die. the first of these being the neophyte... whom they avoided. the second being dualscar... whom the dolorosa hid fronvwhenever she could... it broke the mutantblood's heart that his mother was so afraid of someone who could not harm her now. she refused to tell her grub the tales of her punishment. it would hurt him. not long after, the marquise died at her matesprit's hand... doon enough everyone except the empress joined them.

Don't throw yourself like that. in front of me.

he was there now, as the dolorosa had been speaking to the desciple, he had approached her... and worse of all, had begun to act flirtatious toward her. the deciple glared at him as he spoke. the jadeblood looked at him in utter distrust. "you... will never earn my favor. you have caused me too much pain." she simply said.

I kissed your mouth. your back. is that all you need?~

he lifted his eyebrows,lips pursed and eyes narrow. "alright... ya cannot blame a man for trying. if ya change yer mind... you know where ta find me" he said, giving a brief saddened smile and walking away from her. she sat, her head in her hands and a soft jade color dusting her cheeks.

don't drag my love around. volcanos melt me down.

she met him there... her hand softly knocking on the door as she took a deep shaking breath. he answered, a soft smile slowly spreading on his usually so serious face. he invited her in, minding his manners as they sat on the couch. that's when she asked. "why did you cull me?". without missing a beat... he responded. "because... you had had enough a that world. it was already a livin hell." she took a deep breath and nodded.

what I am to you. is not real.~

she sat on his lap, him cradling her like a baby as she cried. as she spilled evrything that the marquise had done to her. he pet her hair... shooshing her lightly as he kissed her forhead. "I love you my dear" he whispered to her.

and what I am to you... you do not need~

she had yelled at him today... slapped him straight across his face. he stood in complete shock for a moment. what had even made her so upset? she stormed out as he stared after her in somewhat anger. he didn't need her. he didn't love her really... she was still no more than a slave. right?

what I am to you is not what you mean to me~

screaming. all he could hear was her screaming. he woke up with a start, expecting it to be only a dream but discovering that the screaming of the jadeblood was still loud and clear. he stood, heavily walking down the hallway and to the left to find her room. he went inside, finding her writing on her bed, blankets and nightgown clinging to her as she screeched. others were beginning to wake up down the corridor. the violetblood sighed, going to her. "dolly... dolly me dear wake up" she sat up with a start, yelping as she saw him and trying to scurry away. he sat down on the bed, grabbing her and holding her to his chest. she struggled a moment, only to relax a while later and cry softly against him. "you are alright. it was just a nightmare"

you give me miles and miles of mountains and I ask for the sea~

"you are in a matespritship with who?" signless asked loudly, the dolorosa hung her head a bit and looked at the ground. "signless. I.. I-" the violetblood walked in... cutting her off. "that'd be me lad" he said. signless stared at him. "and do you not believe she deserves to be loved by someone?" the mutantblood watched as the orphaner wrapped an arm around his mother's waist... making a deep jade blush crawl across her cheeks. "I love you me dear"

"I love you too dualscar.."

((AN: I love this ship so much. its my otp after all. the song was volcano by damien rice. ))

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