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I sat there in my 5sos hoodie and fuzzy socks while sipping hot coco on a rainy day in London. I had the 1975 song "Paris" playing quietly in the background as I read my book, Milk and Honey. I occasionally walked out on my patio to enjoy the fresh warm air. I breathed in and the rainy air filled my lungs like a balloon being filled with helium, and it seemed to lift me up and bring a smile to my face. I trailed back into my apartment and sat myself back down on the lovesac to continue reading my book. I checked the time, it was 1:47 pm, and my photo shoot tonight for teen vouge was at 7pm. I still had time to shower and get ready as well as finish this book. While I checked the time I noticed many notifications popping up onto my dimmed screen of people tagging me in a post. I opened my phone and the photo began to load. It loaded quite slowly. Then it popped up.


I felt a lump suddenly swell up into my throat. I wanted to scream and cry, but I couldn't. I couldn't get it out. I couldn't breath.

I felt a single tear stream down my face as I looked through my blurred vision of a photo of Luke and Arzaylea cuddled up together with the caption: tired tour boy
It finally all came out of me.. I began to throw a fit. I threw my phone across the room and shoved my head into the bean bag and screamed. I yanked off my hoodie that Luke had given to me, a way for me to always be with him, is what he told me. Right about now, I never want to see him again.

I stumbled back to my balcony and threw the door open. I tossed the hoodie out there to be drenched in filthy rain water.

I thought Luke loved me, I thought we really had something.

I heard pounding on my apartment door, I slowly waddled over to the door, barely able to see through my tear filled eyes.

I opened the door and saw a familiar figure, I blinked to get the tears out of my eyes so I could see the human clearly.

It was madds.

She slammed into me with a loving hug, we both fell onto the ground and sat snuggled together, her saying over and over that she loved me, and me staining her sweatshirt with my tears and mascara.

We sat on the ground while hugging and crying in the big London storm.

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