
258 8 197

To start off, write down the character you want to roleplay as! If needed, role-playing preference.

E.g. Kuro. Want to roleplay with Mahiru.

Meanwhile, for those who want to feature as their original character, please write in the info by commenting on this chapter! At least, fill these essential informations:

1. Name
2. Appearance
3. Race
4. Power
5. Brief description of personality
6. Crush

Name: Ruu
Appearance: 170 cm, brown eyes, pink hair, Chinese.
Race: human
Power: -
Personality: Ruu is cheerful, a huge fangirl. She's a big tease // humorous, Crush: Lawless

You can also insert a picture of them! Once you're done, tell me if you want me to find you a partner~

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