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Cassette Tape from 1972 us I'm not sure how I got here or what these thing's want with me, but I haven't slept in days it feels like and the sun has been gone for a long time.

I'm starting to have hunger pains, I must have been held captive for at least 3 days to hurt this bad. My mind feels like imploding in my skull, and I am utterly terrified.

They only come to take notes of me, I mean that's what I assume they are doing. They have small thin note pads and long misshapen pens or something of the sort. They seemed to have wrote differently than a normal human, but then again there's nothing human about these things.

I call them things for a reason, and I could never reveal the true name to you. As bad as it sounds, they almost look like a creature from old Indian tales. The ones you don't speak the names of, yes, they are that morbidly disgusting and if that doesn't explain to you why I am terrified other than the fact they have kidnapped me for what reason is unknown.

I sit here frantically speaking on an audio for anyone who might be able to find this recording later on.

This is a warning, that they are watching, each and every one of us. They don't take breaks, they are nothing like us. Officer Jim Bunch age 28 found this cassette and several other vulgar writings on this creature called the thing and it comes at 2:20am to take you away forever. Everyone believes this is a hoax, and you can sense the sarcasm but you can't escape their never ending stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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