Always-part 5

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She covers her face and cries.Connie looks at her. "Sasha are you alright?" He looks at her worried.She points over in the exes direction.He frowns. "Is that your ex?" He says enraged.She nods.He gets up .She gets up and gestures him. "No please just sit down I can handle this." She walked over to the ex .Her heart racing .The ex gets up. "Well well well look who we have here ." He says sneering.She looks at him "What are you doing here ." She looks at him. "Minding my own business ." He pushes her on the ground and kicks her . She screams in pain as his foot hits her ribs. Connie gets up and punches the ex in the face. "Who the hell are you ?" He says getting up . "I'm her boyfriend ." He lied .But maybe it would help. "With this slut? She's had many ." He laughs and punches Connie . Everything goes black.

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