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"Please... stop. You don't have to do this!" Barry yelled.
"Barry, I love you, you need to know that" Caitlin cried, with the evil speedster behind her.
"This Barry, this will break you. This is your tipping point!" The speedster screamed.

He pushed Caitlin forward and started to vibrate his hand. As a tear left Barry's face, the speedster stopped her heart. A deafening scream left Barry's mouth as he ran up to both of them, while crying in pain.

He shot up sweating, it was a nightmare. Just for reassurance, he looked to the left of him, where he saw Caitlin. Sleeping so calmly and peacefully. He calmed down a little seeing her face. He wiped his forehead and got out of bed, he couldn't go back sleep so he decided to go for a run. He ran to STAR Labs, got the suit on, and started running. All over the planet, slowly for him though. He felt the wind on his face, the speed force passing through him like a shock, the ground under him. Stones shot out from under his feet, leaving a trail of dust behind him. A complete blur, getting faster and faster, becoming more of a blur with every second. The relaxation completely burnt away, his anger and fears taking over. The lightning surging through him with more raw power every time, wind getting more forceful, emotions taking over. How could one bad dream cause this?

He must've been running for hours because when he finally got tired, it was 8 am. He gained focus of where he was, the great wall of china, a beautiful sight. Realising the location, he did a 180 on one foot and headed back to STAR Labs. He was at least going at 5 times the speed of light as he instantly appeared in front of everyone and even they looked to be in shock.
"Where have you been!?" Caitlin screeched.
"Out for a ru-" he attempted to reply before getting cut off.
"I was so worried!" She yelled before storming out.
"She said she woke up at 1 in the morning and you weren't there" Cisco explained his understanding of the situation.
"I he a bad dream, I was running it off..." Barry replied honestly.
"What was the dream about?" Cisco questioned.

He saw it again. The whole scene, it played out again in his mind, Caitlin's death. Barry knew it wasn't real but his subconscious couldn't tell the difference, and so he panicked. His legs started to shake violently and so, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He managed to calm himself.

"Nothing... it doesn't matter" Barry said bluntly.
"Right, you can tell me or not, but whatever you do, talk to Caitlin." Cisco replied sharply.
"Yes, ok, I'm gonna do that!" He yelled as he jogged out after her.
Running after her, he held back the fear and panic, he didn't want her to see that. He checked every room, except the speed lab, and so he ran in the room.

There she was, next to the cosmic treadmill, looking furious.
"Let me explain." Barry said as he slowly walked up.
"Sit. Explain." Caitlin replied sharply.
"I had a dream... more like a nightmare actually. I saw you, and that speedster. He.... he killed you. He took your life away right in front of me, and I was powerless to do anything." He stammered out.
"I'm sorry Barry. I promise that'll never happen, I'm not going anywhere." She replied, sliding her hand into his.
"I know... it was just... I didn't in the moment." He stuttered.
They both leaned in and kissed.

Ok so it's been months since I've updated. In all honesty, I forgot Wattpad existed until I today. So I finally finished this chapter. So sorry guys.

SnowBarry: Come Home To MeWhere stories live. Discover now