Chapter 2

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Sauntering your way through the school gates, you curiously looked around for your three best friends, Kaila, Senethmi and Lauaa. You spotted them chatting and waiting for you; but when they saw you, their eyes lit up and they squealed out of happiness. Especially Kaila. She was your best friend, because you both shared a love for unicorns, anime and k pop ( sorry if you don't like any of these things).
She ran towards you and gave you a hug so tight, it would have squeezed the life out of anyone; but you were used to it.
"(y/n)! You're here! I have something REALLY important to tell you!!" Kaila screamed in excitement; she usually wasn't this hyped up unless it was about (f/b/b), but you would've known about it before her.
" Geez, Kaila, calm down! What's so important that you have to yell about it in my face?" You snapped playfully. She realized that her actions seemed a bit over the top, which caused her to blush and cover her face for a few split seconds. After she recovered, Kaila took a deep breath and calmly said, " The amazing news is... we're going to have 7 new-" but unfortunately, she was interrupted by the bell that sent us to class.
" Great. Because you squealed and fangirled so much, I didn't get to know what you wanted to tell me." You muttered to yourself, irritated because your other friend, Senulka, grabbed Kaila and took her back to her class.
Mumbling unintelligible things to yourself, you fought your way through the crowd of pupils and you sat yourself down in your classroom.
Before the teacher came in, Talisa, another one of your close friends, tapped you on your shoulder to get your attention. You were peacefully reading your favorite book, and you hated it when people interrupted you. Quickly turning around to face her, you angrily spat, " What do you want?"
She seemed slightly taken aback by your cruel tone, but she knew the consequences, so she just brushed it off.
" Hey (y/n), did you hear about the new kids? Apparently, 7 really cute boys are coming to our class!" She whispered happily, clapping her hands in joy.
So that's what Kaila was trying to tell me, you thought. But honestly, in your opinion, you didn't really care. You never did. You weren't a very social person, although you did have A LOT of friends.
" That's cool, I guess." You said with a slightly disinterested voice. Talisa could tell that you weren't really bothered, but before she replied back to you; the classroom door opened.
Your teacher, the lovely and kind Ms. Sara entered the class with a book in hand and 7 adorable boys behind her.
" Good morning, children!" She said in her bright and cheerful voice, " Today, as you can see, we have some new students who will be joining our school! Let me introduce Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook."

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