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Michelle Jones sat in a diner. Not just any diner, her favorite one. It was conviently close to the college she attended, and by far the best one in the area. Sure, it was old and kind of dingy but it gave off positive vibes.

She ordered a strawberry smoothie, something she rarely did. It was an occasion, however, for she had just aced her final exam for the year. A treat to me before I'm head deep in debt, she thinks to herself. The waiter approached her and took away the glass, replacing it with a cup of tea.

"Oh, wait, I-I uh didn't order this," She states.

"It's from the gentleman over there." He points to the left. Michelle glances over her shoulder, to see-

No. It can't be. Peter Parker?

He waves at her, and she shoots him a rather confused look back.

Peter Parker. From Highschool.

Sure, she remembers the dork. He always skipped classes and decathlon practices. He-

She takes a moment to wonder if he still had the Spider-Man gig going. Peter had never officially told her until senior year, but she confessed that she had been in the know since sophomore year. She is knocked out of her thoughts when someone sits in the bar stool next to her.

"Hey, MJ." She turns quickly and sees Peter sitting calmly next to her. Michelle hadn't heard that nickname in a long time. Almost 4 years.

"Peter, god, it's so nice to see you!" She confesses, standing up and pulling him into a warm bear hug. He laughs into her shoulder before pulling away.

Michelle hops back onto the stool and takes a packet of sugar and pours it into her tea. Swirling it around with her spoon, she begins socializing with him.

"It's been super long." He nods, agreeing. "That it has."

"Do you go to college around here? That's the only reason why I'd assume you'd stick around."

"Actually, I, do. I'm studying at CUNY." She replies. "What about you, Parker? What have you been up to?"

"I finally got a paying job at Stark Industries." He smiles, before it fades.

"What? The Avengers don't get a yearly salary? Psh." She laughs, waving a hand in front of her face. Peter gives her a look that screams "shut up" and her hand flies to her mouth.

"Sorry," MJ giggles. "You were saying?"

"I'm, like the, CEO now." He shrugs. Michelle doesn't press the subject much further because she knows that Tony passed away after saving half the universe. He was widely mourned around the globe, his death affecting everyone.

Peter was affected the most. He looked up to Tony as if he was his father. Even though they didn't get to spend a life time together, the bond was as strong as it could be. Tony constantly told others how proud he was when Peter saved his cargo plane. Or when he saved his classmates and risked his life climbing a 555 foot monument. If anything, Tony personally believed that Peter was his own. He didn't dare admit such a thing, it was assumed however.

"That's wonderful." She softly smiles, patting his back. Peter is now lost in his mind, memories flooding in that he swore to never remember. His eyes become watery whilst locked on the tile floor below him. "Peter, are you alright?" Michelle asks, standing up.

He shakes his head and wipes his (almost) tears, afraid to cry over something that happened years ago. He rarely cried, let alone in public.

"Pete, hey, let's get out of here." She pulls out her wallet and places a twenty on the counter and grabs his hand. He treads behind her, shoulders sulking.

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