1. new kid

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"Mark Lee, get the hell out here, we're going to be late." My voice was loud as I pounded my fist on Mark's bedroom window, not hard enough to break the glass but hard enough so that it would capture his attention. I watched as Mark opened the curtain, signalling towards the front of his house before sliding the curtain closed once again. I rolled my eyes as I moved away from the side of his house, climbing over the already dead garden that his mother kept trying to bring back to life. My gaze then fell on Mark who was dressed simply and I didn't hesitate when I punched his arm, listening contentedly when he let out a yelp, rubbing the spot I had hit him.

"What the hell, Jihye? What was that for?" Mark complained as I slid into the driver's seat of my car, barely waiting for Mark to get inside my car before shoving the key into the ignition, listening to my car roar to life. Or what could be considered a roar, since the hunk of metal was a breakdown away from being totaled, however, I didn't complain. It got me to where I needed to be and that was all that mattered to me.

"We've been late the past three days, do you know why Mark? It's because your lazy ass won't get up in the morning, seriously what has been up with you lately?" I felt myself start to rant, and thankfully I had caught myself, instead directing a question at the younger male who only shrugged at me. I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing that the answer was because he had been up all night studying for some test that he was sure to be taking. Mark cared about his grades more than he cared about his sleeping schedule, which was made abundantly clear to me each morning when he'd sleep in passed his alarm clock.

"I've just been staying up late is all, I can't go to a nice university with grades that look like shit," he reasoned and I nodded, processing his words. I knew that he cared way too much about his grades, especially since he didn't have much to worry about to begin with, since he had perfect straight A's and I was convinced he came out of the womb with an honor roll award in his fat little baby hands. He didn't care about how others saw it, though, he was convinced he needed to go to a nice university to get a good job to help his mom and younger brother out, due to the fact that his father had left them hanging when his younger brother was two. He was a good kid, he just needed a break every once in awhile.

"It sounds like you need a little stress relief, kiddo." I looked to Mark, watching his eyes widen momentarily, only to look back at me suspiciously, which was only a reaction to the grin I had given him. I pulled into the parking lot of our school, elaborating on my suggestion since the kid let it slip right over his head. Academically, he was one of the brightest people I knew, aside from another one of our friends but she didn't count because she was in my grade rather than Mark's who was a year below us; however, the kid could be a little dense every now and again. "How about we smoke after school, how does that sound?"

"After my shift maybe, I'll have to ask my mom first, and I don't know if Jem will be home or not," Mark stopped abruptly when a figure passed the front of my parked car. I drew my gaze away from the younger male to look ahead of us, seeing Eunha. Or as I liked to call her, captain of the Barbie doll squad. Mark, on the other hand, disagreed with that on many levels since the boy was so in love with her that with a single glance in his direction he was breaking into a nervous sweat. It was a mixture of both sad and hilarious, another thing that Mark didn't think was funny, especially not when I noted how red his face would get when she was around. "What was I saying?"

"Get out of my car, Lee." Mark didn't argue, slipping out of the vehicle, slamming the door shut behind him. I didn't scold him for it this time, since I was busy being pushed my some football players that thought playing football in the parking lot was a good idea. I swore that the jocks were dumber than the cheerleaders were.

I stumbled when one of the meatheads in a letterman jacket slammed into me, causing my body to barrel towards the pavement, since I wasn't great with balance even when I wasn't being knocked over by football players. My hands made contact with the ground first before the rest of me followed, the front of my body slamming onto the pavement and causing a rather loud yelp to sound from me.

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