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Hello my fellow readers ^^

I hope you enjoyed this simple Min Yoongi short story.

Actually I could just leave it like that and you could ignore this author's note but the reason why I am writing this is the following.

I used Min Yoongi as a medium to convey a certain message.
As you probably realised, Yoongi had to deal with mental health problems which prevented him to live a fully normal life.
In the end he chose to keep silent about his problems instead of talking to his friends or someone else.
He chose to run away from the issue, thinking that he could save his band with that.

But what were his members thinking when they woke up to one empty bed in the dorm?
What did it feel like to lay the table with one plate less?
What part of their hearts ached when their missing brother's name fell in a conversation?

My point is that Yoongi made a difficult decision which led to a painful aftermath for both parties.

In the future he'll maybe realise that all of this could have been prevented if he chose to talk instead of running away.

To conclude what I want to say is that face your demon instead of letting him get the control over you. Running away won't solve the problem, it will just put the weight on another person's shoulders. Even if it does have a selfless and good intention behind it, it won't make anyone happy at the end of the day.

Stay healthy, stay strong <3
I believe in you ☄

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