Part 1

16 1 1

-Chloë's POV-


I wake up to my sister screaming. "Chloë breakfast is ready!!" it echoed up the staircase. "ugh." i grunt as i get up. I slip out of my night clothes and get in the shower, forgetting i was half asleep. I finish washing my hair and slop into my new birthday clothes, and start brushing the tangles out of my hair. I start braiding it as my sister busts in. "Yea?" I ask. "You coming?" she asks. "Where?" i ask. "Breakfast dumbass!" she shouts. "Oh, aha, yea I guess." i say not sure. I walk downstairs with my sister and sit down with my family and eat.

"Hey, Chlo wanna build a snowman?" my sis asks. "Aha you wish." i say. "How about the front yard?" She asks. "Last one there is a slutbag!" i yell. we both race and squeeze threw the front door. We start to play tag as my sister accidentally steps on a plant. "No! Hold on." she says as she bends down to try to fix it. I turn around a sit as a dark vehicle pulls up. The window rolls down and a man motions me over with a sad look so I walk over. "Was up." I ask. "Please help I lost my dog." he says. "Oh okay but can I see a pic??" I ask as he pulls up a pic in his hand but a blurry one. "I can't see it." i say. He opens his door and I lean in to look at the pic as a smile breaks on his face. I try to turn around but he grabs my shirt. "Lana help!" i scream. My sister jolts around and sees me hanging out the window by my shirt. "Chloë!" she screamed as I watch her start chasing his car on her bike.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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