New Friends

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Everyone one knew of Romeo Angelis, he was by far the sexist boy in the small town of Mystic Falls.  His family was rich but for some reason they stayed in the shit hole town.  Their name was on a lot of the things in town.  So when Romeo pulled into the school lot on senior prank night, people noticed.  No one knew why he was there, he didn't really care for pranks but he had a feeling that he should be here so here he was.

He could feels eyes as he stepped out of the car, he couldn't care less.  As he walked in he caught eyes with a girl, she wasn't ugly by any means, actually she was hot.  She smiled flirtaciously at him and twirled a piece of her brunette hair.  He nodded at her and when he walked in the school she followed after him.  Everyone in school knew he was a manwhore, fucking anyone he wanted not really caring who they were.  He heard her footsteps following him so he walked into the girl's bathroom, he leaned against a sink while he waited for her to come inside.  

Once she was through the door, he pushed off the sink and grabbed the back of her neck, pressing their lips together.  She kissed him back and he was quick to direct her to a stall, he came here for a reason, doesn't he mean he can't have fun while he waited for the reason to happen.

Half an hour later, Romeo stepped out of the stall and the bathroom, leaving a panting girl behind who was competely spent.  When he stepped out he noticed the lack of people, it was senior prank night, no one would have left so soon.  He was walking down he hall when he spotted a blonde he had never seen before.  "Hey!" He called out to her, his raspy voice catching her attention.  "Where is everyone?" He asked and she turned smiling at one of the most attractive boys she had ever seen.

"Who are you?" She asked, stepping closer to the boy who was too hot to kill.

"Romeo, now answer my question," He said, stepping closer and she could see his face with even more detail.  She marvelled at his cheekbones that looked like they could cut someone, and his sharp jawline to match, his lips were bigger than most girls' and his hair had the look of someone who just had sex, which he had.  

"Sorry to have to break it to you, senior prank night got busted," She said, completely forgetting that she was suppose to be looking for a werewolf, this boy was much more interesting.  Romeo glanced away, biting his lip to hide his smile as he shook his head.  A deep chuckle left him and the blonde foudn herself looking at his lips as his teeth released them.

"That's weird, because it's kinda a thing in this town to look away tonight while the teens cause their mayhem," He said, looking straight into her eyes, "now tell me what really happened."

"My brother came here for the doppelganger and didn't want anyone else here so he made them leave," She said, not being able to stop herself.  "How did you do that?" She asked him, no one could compel her or her family but this boy just did.  

He smiled at her and raised his arms, "Do what?"  She could smell the blood before she spotted it, dripping from his nose causing him to bend his head down as he raised his hand to wipe it away.

"You just got a lot more interesting," She told him before grabbing his arm and dragging him with her to find the werewolf.  When he saw how easily he dragged him, with strength that wasn't humanly possible he smirked.

"So did you.  So tell me, oh blonde goddess, what's you name?" He asked, his full lips pulled into a smirk which she returned.

"Rebekah, why don't you seem scared?" She asked him and he only grinned.

"Why should I be?"

"You two are adorable," Rebekah said as her and Romeo walked up to the couple making out, Romeo regognized them as Caroline and Tyler, he had slept with both of them.  

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