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Yoonmin oneshot. Powerbottom Yoongi and submissive top Jimin.

Light BDSM, blindfolding, but lots of gentleness too. Lots of love.

Word count: 3602.


"I want to try something."

Yoongi lifted his head up from his notepad covered in lyrical scribbles and took one pad of his headphones from his ear. "Huh?"

"I said, I want to try something." Jimin fiddled with his fingers, sitting cross-legged across from the rapper at the table in the living room. The other members were out and left only Yoongi to work on a new song and Jimin to tidy the house. He had already done the dishes, swept the floors and the laundry was washing. Jimin lifted his head and swept the pink hair out of his glistening eyes.

"Like what?" Yoongi dropped his headphones onto his shoulders, around his neck. "A new food? A new music genre?"

Jimin swallowed and shook his head. He shifted from sitting cross-legged onto his knees and the long sleeves of his blue and white striped sweater covered his whole hands, fingertips peeking out and toying with one another. He breathed softly and met Yoongi's dark eyes again. The rapper turned his head, confused and curious.

"Then what?"

Jimin shifted nervously again and opened his mouth to speak. He quickly closed him and resigned to standing up and offering Yoongi a hand. The rapper paused and then took it, standing and following the pink-haired boy into their shared bedroom. It too, was spotless and clean, with fresh sheets and an open window letting in a cool spring breeze. The whole room smelled like fresh cotton and linen. The two made their way to Yoongi's bed and Jimin kneeled onto it, pulling Yoongi to sit on the edge.

The rapper laughed. "You're weirding me out, Jiminie. What do you want to do?"

Jimin swallowed again and reached into the back pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a long thick black piece of fabric and held it in front of himself, looping it around his hands and letting the silk fall from between his fingers over and over, nervous. "I... found this whilst tidying up."

"... a piece of... what is that?"

"Silk," Jimin whispered, fingering the smooth fabric. Yoongi watched the boy for a moment and then let a sly smirk creep onto his lips. He leaned forward and toyed with the other end of the silk, rubbing it between his index finger and thumb.

"I get it now. You want me to blindfold you, is that it?" He laughed a little. He never knew Jimin had this side to him; most of the time their sex was pretty normal. Missionary or on all-fours, Jimin took it well, moaning beneath the rapper. But this was something new. And it stirred excitement in the pool of Yoongi's stomach. Jimin lifted his head with widened eyes and then looked back down at his hands, fiddling with them.

"I... uh..."

"Say no more. I know what you want," Yoongi cooed, crawling closer, trying to take the silk from Jimin's hands. But the boy held onto the silk and murmured something Yoongi would never have thought to have heard from the younger, much more timid boy's mouth.

"I want to try blindfolding you."

Yoongi stopped, one hand planted on the bed, one holding the sink, in a crawling position. Blindfold him? He hadn't even thought of that, he immediately assumed Jimin wanted to be blindfolded and tied up and made to beg and whimper and moan and...

Blindfolded [Yoonmin] {ONESHOT}Where stories live. Discover now