Chapter 6: Training to be nice!

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Finally the tour ended. We showed them: the yards, the greenhouse, the first, the second, and third floors. It was exhausting! Everyone shared in small talk to get to know each other, I guess it wasn't to bad. well except for when Killeen and Emmett had to do anything with each other. I know they had a fight but come on! Get over it and move on. I don't know why they can't? what made them hate each other so much?

We all separated when we got back to the house. I went to my room to take a shower and to get some time to relax. Then my mother contacted me saying that dinner would be ready in a few. Going down with two! Packs at the dinner table wasn't something I wanted to do. But as next to the line I had to! Blah blah! It's not the greatest gift in the world. But my pack needs me and I won't let them down.

I change into some grey shorts, with a plain light blue shirt, and my grey uggs. With my hair in a messy bun. Just as I step out of my door I ran into someone? Looking up to see Emmett!

Oh! Hey fancy running into you here! I told him. More cheesy-ness to come my fair people. Emmett just looked at me like I was " the craziest-weirdest-most wonderful-most cutest-thing in the world" or that's what I'm going with.

Ookay, it's not like we live here together or anything! He had this kinda "in matter of fact" tone! I don't like it. Well I mean- meant we are not living together but t-that we live on the some floor, see look at the floor. He rambled out.

I just couldn't stop staring at him! Did he get bit by a spider or something? OH! Maybe he will turn into the next Spider-Man! Emmett as the next Spider-Man plus a wolf that would be kick ass!

Hey! Em did a spider bite you? Cause if you turn into a spider-man-werewolf that would be awesome! I told him as I jumped up and down while holding onto Emmett's arms.

No! Shrimp! I didn't get bit by a spider. But I will be taking my arms back! K. He slowly pulled his arms away.

K! Now let's eat! Am staving! And mom made her chicken pasta. I grabbed his hand a ran down the stairs. He didn't protest just let me drag him with me.

We entered the dining room still hand and hand. No one seemed to notice us! We went to our places which were by each other with Kate on the other side of me. Dad and Alpha Jake were talking to one another. Liam was chatting with some girl from their pack.

Em, I'm going to go see if my mom needs help in the kitchen. K! I said as I let go of his hand and walked towards the door.

Yeah! Go take your place in the kitchen! Lux. Max a member of my pack said to me. I knew he was just playing around with me. So I will play it easy on him. He was already sitting by the table. I walked behind him and slapped the back of his head.

Come on Maxie! You get to help me in the kitchen. I said grabbing his shirt collar and dragging him with me into the kitchen. I heard laughing as I walked into the door of the kitchen. Probably at Max situation and the nickname I gave him. Mom was giving orders to the people helping her and Luna Eve was doing the same.

Hey Mama, Max and I are here to help. Where do you need us? I asked my mom and gave her a quick hug. Max was still pouting about his comment that turned on him.

Great, baby can you finish that salad please? And Max can you help setting the plates. Thanks you guys. Mom gave our orders then went back to her own task at hand.

I quickly went to my job. And started on the things that needed to be cut then put them in a bowl. Continuing the same routine until I was finished. The end results were two Cesar salads, two house salads, and two salads with my mothers "secret dressing". That even am not aloud to know until I get married! I think it's just some excuse to marry me off.

Hey mama Am done here. Anything else you need? I asked as I walked to her side and draped my arm around her shoulder.

Nope! You go hang with your friends Luxie! She kissed my cheek the went to the pantry. I headed to the door then I seen Max still helping with the lava cakes for dessert. Sucker you didn't even willingly volunteer and you have to stay longer then I. Ha!
Walking back to the dining room I started to look for my group when someone else approached me. I turned to my side to see Killeen right there. Oh great my day has been made! "Note the sarcasm" oh come on lux you have to enjoy his company. I mean come on! He's great! Look at him! My wolf screamed in my head. "Avy! Calm down girl, he's a jerk he fought with EM". I yelled back at her. She not the only one who can rise her voice! You do realize you are just yelling in your own head! Right. "I do now. Go I have to talk to him". Wolfs! Living with them in your head is hard. Can hear you! Shoot! I forgot. Oh well it won't hurt her ego!

Mr Sparrow, how is your evening? I hope well. "When are they leaving?

It has been lovely! But you can just call me Killeen! Mr Sparrow, is my father. I wished.

Actually! I believe your father is Alpha Sparrow! Not "mr Sparrow" so that must be you? "Can I say I'm proud of myself! Cause I'm!

Well, I guess your right, but I'm not even twenty yet! So PLEASE! call me Killeen. His come back was fast. Impressive.

Okay, Killeen it is! Yet when you are twenty-one I get to call you " Mr Sparrow" deal? I held out my hand for him to shake.

He look down at my hand then to my face as if he was wondering if I was for real. Or if he should take the deal, "okay, Morgan I will take your deal! But I get to call you " Mrs Alpha" deal? He smiled down at me he wants to make this interesting then I will make this interesting.

Deal! I shook his hand with a smile on my face and so did he.

DINNER!! My mother announced as her and Luna Eve come out of the kitchen with everyone who was helping with the food. Including Max! I smiled to Killeen then started to my seat. Just as I sat down My mother came behind me. Hey Luxie I made a slight problem with seating so Kate will have to move somewhere else. I hope that's fine with you? My mother whispered by my ear. Of course mama where do you need her to move to?

Even though I wanted my best friend to sit with me I could live without her for a few dinners. What my mother means by mess up with seating is that since the men in werewolf packs attend to be well built and can't always sit by each other. So we try to put children or women between them. Since we have our pack and their pack we had to make a seating arrangement. We have a ballroom-like room with three tables that hold a hundred people each we can have three-hundred at dinner. Our one-hundred and sixty pack members. And their one-hundred pack members. We make fair amount.

She will be sitting by Liam and a boy I Believe to be Simon. She answered then walked away to Kate. I believe to tell her the change in plans.

So how was your chat with "Killeen"? Emmett asked when he sat down. Only he said Killeen in a squeaky voice with annoyance.

Great! Thank you for asking. He is so sweet and charming. "I was going for a girl day dream voice. Wondering if I nailed it?

REALLY!! He asked completely shocked.

No! But you should of seen your face. Killeen is fine but I'm not planning on our wedding anytime soon! So relax k. I gave him a side hug. Then there was a clearing of someone's throat. Emmett's and I's head snapped to the source which was my mother and none other then Killeen himself. Great!

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