My Mum's Science Experiment is a Vampire! Chapter 1

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Chapter One

The Out of the Ordinary

I sat doodling in a daydream about how it used to be. How it used to be before Dad died and how it used to be before my Mum got a new project and we ended up having to move to this godforsaken place.

My friend Amie sat next to me texting her boyfriend while we were supposed to be watching a short film on dog behaviour but I already knew what the signs were. Amie had shoulder length curly hair that was a deep red colour and her eyes were stuck between a mix of brown and green. She had natural, pretty features that made guys look twice at her. Amie was the bubbliest person I knew. She always had a smile on her face and she had a daredevil streak in her that often got us both into trouble. She was my best friend. She was the only person in the college to boldly come up and talk to me when I was the "New Girl" and brought me out of my shell.

She slipped a note on my desk, innocently pretending to watch the film. "Read it," She mouthed as I looked at her with confusion.

I opened the note carefully; making sure Mrs. Lana never saw me.

Do you want to go to a party tonight? 7pm?

Sure, Mum's caught up in a new project and won't even notice I'm gone anyways.

I handed the note back to her and she quickly replied.

Any chance it's another world domination project?

Yep. She won't tell me anything as its "Top Secret". She can't even dominate the dishes never mind the world, anyways.

Amie broke into a fit of giggles as she read the note, making me laugh a little too.

"What is funny ladies?" Our college lecturer names Marnie asked, causing the whole class to turn their heads to us.

"Nothing," Amie answered.

"Quiet and watch the video," She replied sternly, turning her head back to the video.

I looked at Amie with a small grin and continued my doodling. My doodling took form and changed into the shape of a dolphin leaping out of the ocean.

I was obsessed with marine animals for as long as I could remember. I was on my way to becoming a marine mammal trainer. I wanted to specialise in training killer whales, sea lions and dolphins.

"God, that lesson was so boring." Amie sighed as we headed out the class at the end.

"Tell me about it," I murmured.

I barely managed to get thorough the rest of the day without each lesson making me feel even more depressed. I found myself looking at the clock every two minutes, counting down the hours till I could leave. In my free periods Amie and I sat in the library making a start on our assignment that got handed out, talking to a few friends we knew and listened to my iPod.

Amie got a call of her Mum saying she needed to babysit so our plans were rearranged to another time.

"Finally!" Amie breathed a sigh of relief when we left our last lesson. "Any more depressing lesson's and I'm afraid I may have needed to see a shrink.

"I'm surprised you don't have a shrink already," I laughed lightly.

"Bitch," Amie growled with a grin.

"Look who's talking!" I giggled, pretending to be outraged.

She gave me a playful shove, "I'll call you later,"

"Have fun with the little terrors."

"Why did you have to remind me?" She groaned.

"Because I'm a good friend,"

My Mum's Science Experiment is a Vampire!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt