DMS between Annie and Kenzie

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annie: so what have i done to u kenzie?

kenzie: u stole him away from him.

annie: im sorry what, i didnt tell him to leave u and just be friends with me.

kenzie: lets be real here, the moment u came to la, he left me.

annie: kenz! its not like that, even tho he and i super super close, he still sees u as a close friend.

kenzie: really, after everything ive done.

annie: really. and anyways, hayden still thinks im just his close friend, he doesnt see me as more, no matter how much i like him

annie: and anyways u and johnny make cute couple💋

kenzie: oh please, he thinks im like a sister to him. 

annie: want me to help ya?

kenzie: what u gonna do?

annie: lets just say theres a brat/rockyourhair party and u both r invited, and u might have to fake date hayden.

kenzie: u want me to make johnny jealous?

annie: yup!

kenzie: thnx annie, im really sorry about everything.

annie: its ok, i understand some things arent always clear.

kenzie: wait. is it ok for me to fake date hayden?

annie: totally, ill let him know and we'll plan everything.

kenzie: whens the party?

annie: theyre like still planning it, but it shd be in the next 3 weeks!!

kenzie: cool thnx!

annie: so r we friends?

kenzie: best friends, and if ur gonna help me get johnny, ill help u get hayden

annie: thnx kenzie, and ur welcome to hangout with us whenever u like, lol we can help each get who we like!

kenzie: thnx annie, love u

annie: np, love u too!


Well there u go, the first problem is solved, the next problem is for annie and kenzie to get hayden and johnny together!

there will be mishaps and friendships gone down during the time, but annie and kenzie's friendships wont breaks, i think its enough of their drama!

lets focus on the romance world now people.



plus more cute couples along the way!!!

comment some other couples u want!!

i was thinking jayden and connor!!

stay tuned!!!

ella signing off

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