Chapter 2: Wadaaa?

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Conor had suffered from the sadness of not having Cheese Whiz. He missed Cheese, and he couldn't take that Aaliyah became a successful meme dealer. So, Conor went to the meme master himself, Patrick Stump. He told Patrick about the death of his Cheese Whiz, wanting to get revenge. After about a week, Patrick and Conor had made a plan to take Aaliyah and her memes out. The plan was to kill her collection of human penises (peni cOuGh). Conor and Patrick snuck into her room dedicated to pEnises. She had a fake penis painted on the wall, and her human penises (PENI!!!). They destroyed the Penises, and took her memes. Aaliyah then noticed, and went to Brendon Urie for help. She never told Brendon about what she did, and Brendon killed Patrick. Brendon then searched for Jason(Pete), looking to kill his memes off too. Jason took Brendon's milk and memes, and ran.

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