Chapter 3

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After the Fan meet I was about to leave when the manager Tae was talking to came and told me to follow him I silently agreed since I was guessing there was no way of getting out of this so I followed him to what I was guessing was the backstage we made it to a door that had a sing on it

"Dressing Room"

The manager lead me into the room and I was met with loud screams that immediately stopped once the manager made his presence known

"I'll take her from here"

I looked up and saw Tae starting to reach for my wrist to take me somewhere but I rejected it he scoffed a lit but ultimately lead me to a little seating of the room away from everyone else

"How did you find me"

"Wow not even a 'Hello how have you been since I dispersed' and I found you through a friend she really likes your group"

"Listen I'm happy to see you but why did you have to camo to a Fan Meet"

"Where else was I supposed to do come up to you at the airport or did you want me to come to the dorm"

"I don't know and why did you keep this letter"

"Because it was the only thing I had left of you ya I could have moved on but the way you left was unforgettable how long had you been planning that exit and the 'I never played when I was with you" part do you know how long I contemplated that part did you know that every late night you had I thought you were out messing around with people can you even comprehend how hurt I was after you left me but I never questions you because I trusted you, did you even love me at al or was it just all for fun"

"No it wasn't all for fun I actually loved you I just couldn't risk our relationship being found out"

"Do you know how happy I was when I found you can you comprend how happy I was"

"Umm Taehyung i'm sorry to interrupt but we need to get going"

I turned around to see Jungkook

"I guess i'll get going then"

"Nadia before you leave give me your phone number so we can talk more about this"

"It's on the letter"

I walked past Jungkook and went towards the door but was stopped short by Namjoon

"Who are you no offence but you and Tae seem close"

"I was the one he left the letter under the mug for"

He gave me a sympathetic look and opened the door for me

"The back entrance is down the left hallway"

"Thank you" I left without turning back

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