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Finally the limousine parks on Baker St. David undoing his tie and taking off his his black and white pinstripe suit jacket. He's been looking forward to watching her. Parked across the street from Subfusion Park. The local park is a meca for painter's and street artists alike. It really is quite the scene. But the best part of it is her. One day he saw her at the light. On his way to a meeting during a crazy busy work day. When he just happened to see her.

Her black and white hair first caught his eye. With her smooth fair skin, perfect body, and a butt you could bounce a quarter off of. His breath was taken away. He immediately made his driver turn around and park across the street so he could take a better look at her. When he was parked he saw her laughing with one of her fellow artists at the street fair the have every Saturday.

The sun brought out her her dark blue eyes and beautiful smile. She was standing in between her booth and that guys who looked like dweeb. He looked like he could play the villain on Startrek. By watching her body language he could tell she did not think of that dork as a love interest. So he could breath a sigh of relief there.

With his craftfully molded muscular body. He was popular with the ladies. He didn't consider himself overly conceited but when a women finds a man attractive it shows. At 28 he was the youngest C.E.O. of Titan Law Firm. After his father retired. He was asked to take over the family business. By "business" meaning more than just the law firm. That's right he was a mafia kid bred to think clearly and take over all aspects of the family business. Legal and not. His father Octavio was a good leader of the Marco family. Hard but fair is how most people would describe his father and David was just like him. He looked a lot like his father too. Which was where he got most of his handsome looks from. But unlike him he didn't lose his head over women like his dad.

He'd grown up and witnessed the hurt he gave his poor mother. Who was a very good woman. He shook his head when he thought about all the nights he heard mother crying in her room late at night. He vowed to never put a woman through that type of pain. But she never said anything about her pain.

She didn't have to. The pain showed in her eyes but only briefly when his father came home reeking of some whore he was with the night before. That animosity he had for his father having done that would never go away. But what are you gonna do? He was just a kid when all that happened.

When he was finally 18. During a frequent arguement he was having with his dad. He finally told how his father's filandering hurt the hell out of his mom. By that time he didn't care if he hurt his dad's feeling. It seemed to work, because after a while his dad changed his ways. Seeing his mom with a smile on her face again he was kinda proud of his dad.

He could never hurt the one he loves. It just wasn't in him. Don't get me wrong he was no saint. In order to run the business he's made enemies. Even took out enemies if they became too much of a problem. His father taught him to leave killing as a last resort. It was bad for business but sometimes necessary. Besides hot heads in the mafia didn't last long.

Still looking at this attractive woman brought his thoughts back into focus. He pulled out his phone and took a few pictures then sent them to Danny Delvecio his private eye. He called him and said " Hey Danny did the get the photos I sent?"
"Yeah I was just looking at 'em now."

"Find out everything you can about this woman, ok?" He said. "Sure thing Boss. I'lll get right on it." said Danny. I hung up the phone and told my driver to continue to the meeting. As much as I would love to keep watching her I had business to take care of.

He trusted Danny he was this computer genius he met growing up. And they been friends since they were teenagers.
His thoughts quicked back to the matter at hand. He checked his gun he pulled out of his belt. Going through the usual motions of making sure his automatic had bullets and even a few clips of backup if necessary.

He was a little nervous about this meeting with the Tatalia family. His father Frank stepped down just like his dad did for him. But his son was an ass. Spoiled rich kid to the "T". Which was dangerous for business. Michael didn't often think what was good for everbody. Just what he felt he was entitled to. His common sense knew he would problems with him in tbe future. But he still went through with this tiresome meet and greet luncheon anyway.

He looked behind him to make sure his guys were still there in their black limo. Clavio, Richard, and body were his best shooters. He never hired guys who didn't think with a clear head. It looked bad on the whole family. He didn't have to do a lot of revamping staff when he took over. Which was nice. He felt confident in his guys because unlike the blind trust his father had. He made sure his top guys where watched. So he was certain. Plus he paid his guys very well so more money wouldn't be any issue to turn on him. Everybody could be bought with a price. Besides we were doing very well. He felt it was stupid to quibble over dollars and cents.

Ok, first draft of my first story on wattpad. Please feel free to comment and vote as much as you want. More chapters coming soon.

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