Peter Vs. The Devil's Attorney

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I've wondered at times what if an entire generation was made up of narcissists... what would they do? The answer, fight in an all out war against each other (a.k.a. World war 2) and call them self "The Greatest Generation". Peter was one of those people. A decorated World War 2 veteran, a good husband, father to 3 daughters and 2 sons, a model employee at the post office until his retirement and part of the "greatest generation"... atleast for the world

If you were a part of the second world war chances are you've done enough horrible things to warrant a trip to hell on the express train. Every religion promotes peace yet at its extreme people are ready to kill in the name of that religion hoping of salvation. Kinda ironic, isn't it?

Born to an immigrant farmer in Utah, United States in 1921 Peter has seen his share of ups and downs in his life. A country boy his whole life who spent his teenage years potato farming had his life take a sharp turn when he enrolled in the army to fight the second world war. He fought along the British and the African coast, narrowly escaped serving in the PoW camp and killed enough people to be considered a horrible person. Yet he wasn't, instead he was a decorated war hero.

Wars are weird, both sides believe they're morally right hence can justify killing an enemy soldier but a murder is a murder. I don't think the bible says "Thou shalt not kill... except during a war", yet somehow human are okay with giving each other a pass in doing horrible things during wars. Too bad for them that's not how the final court works.

June 18th, 2017 after being confined to a wheel chair for nearly a decade Peter is ready to take his last stand. He breathes his final breath in his sleep and his soul leaves his body.

"What is this?" says Peter as he looks at the cosmic glow in his soul.

"Am I dead?" he takes a confused look at his body

I don't see any angels, does that mean I'm going to hell? he thinks to himself

Death can be a surreal experience. Definitely something you only experience once in a lifetime and there really is nothing that can prepare you for it. It can be confusing, scary and pardon the pun but one hell of a ride. Thankfully we have guides to help us, we call them our guardian angel.

Before he could worry anymore a staircase appears in front of him with the easiest way of  describing what he saw as "The light"

Peter finally gets to meet his Guardian Angel as he descended down those stairs.

With thick Jamaican accent he says "Hey man, Welcome to the Afterlife. So good to finally meet you."

Peter utterly confused at this point asks "Who are you?"

"Oh my bad. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm John your Guardian Angel. You're dead and this is the Afterlife"

"So are you have take me to the heaven" ask Peter

"Oh No, I'm only here to take you to your final Court. It's time for your judgement"

"Judgement? What do you mean by judgement? I thought your job is taking souls to heaven."

"No, that's not my job. My job is looking after you and when you are ready take you to your final hearing. It can be a bit confusing if you're dying for the first time" said John as he chuckled. "Is this your first death?"

Peter looks on in disbelief with no idea on what to say he tries to come up with a reply but before he could say anything John cuts him.

I'm just kidding. Relax it's your big day, I'll tell you everything on the way so hold me tight and we'll be there in a blink of an eye, said John

"No wait. I don't understand. How does this work now, how will I get to heaven?" asks Peter

"Well it's simple we get to the final court, plead your case and if God agrees you get to heaven" said John

"But what do I tell them" asks Peter

"Everything!" said John. "Have you ever been to a court, this is just like that but with souls and you can't lie"

"So I just tell them all the good deeds I did and they send me to Heaven, is that it?"

"Yeah, pretty much" said john

"Let's go then. I guess it's time for me to see the Silver City" said Peter

"Okay! Hold me tight. You're going to be there before you know it" said John

The ride was just as promised and the next thing Peter saw was at the gates of the silver city.

"Is this heaven", he ask excitedly

"Yes it is my friend. You're standing on the other side of the silver City. Are you ready for your trial", said John

"I still don't understand what you mean by a trial. Is this supposed to be a trial, trail. Like the one we have on earth", asks Peter

"Yes, only better. Come I'll show you. We have to appear soon" said John

John and Peter started to move towards a small structure right next to the gate of the Silver City. Going in it felt like you just entered a government office. It was crowded, unorganized and there was a whole lot of paper moving around.

"So wait, don't we do everything according to God's wish" asks peter

"Not really. He's too busy to guide the way so he just leaves some rough instructions and from there on it's you and your luck. You make your own decisions and luck plays its part with you. Think of it like an algorithm designed to give you a thumbs up or thumbs down at random. Like an app on your phone or a magic 8 ball. Wait, is there an app that can do that? Damn it man, we should've picked up your phone before we left. I love playing candy crush it's time for our hearing" said John

"Seriously!", said Peter

"Stop judging me. Do you know how boring eternal life can be?" said John

Unlike the offices on the earth this court room was different. It was busy, yet it was calm. So much so that all this while Peter was here he didn't notice how quiet it was all around. I guess death can have that effect on you.

That silence was soon interrupted though by a loud announcement. "Peter Smith, please report to court room 18,597,836 for your trial."

"That's us", said John

"How do you know?", asked Peter

"Cause you heard it. You hear it only it concerns you. Now lets go", said John. "It's time for your trial"

Trial begins in Chapter 3...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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