shit does not simply happen

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"Let's face it Y/n, shit happens. And it always happens to me. But why? Why am I fool who keeps on making the same mistake over and over again?" He fiddled with the wrapper of the now non-chocolate bar, seeming uninterested with any answer that you would give.

"Taehyung listen to me. We both know very god damn well that shit does not just simply happen. It's caused by people. Either literally from what they eat or from what they do. I've seen this happen to you way too many times. In fact this is the fifth time that someone has taken advantage of you. You may think of yourself as a fool who commits too easily. But do you know what I think? I think you are an angel. Why? Because give without expecting anything in return. You put others first, long before you. You care so so much, and you put your heart on the line without even realising it. That's who you are. Taehyung. Someone who's too pure for this world. And this is why, people are taking advantage of you. People who don't deserve you, and your kindliness. The world is just simply too cruel for you Taehyung. And I can't just sit here, consoling you every time people don't treat you with respect. Because you deserve so much more. You never realise how important you are to the people around you, to me."

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