Chapter 10

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Suigetsu grabbed his water bottle (I have absolutely no idea how he managed to forget it), and we started our spying mission.

"Suigetsu-kun, you come with me to watch Team 9 practice. From there, we will head over to watch Team 10. Oh, right. Team 7 and Team 8, too," I called for my sister, "Azusa! We need you to go watch Team 8. Hinata Hyuga wanted to meet you, so go on ahead. Also, check on Team 7. I need a second opinion. Suigetsu-kun and I will do our part to make the mission succeed."

Azusa's POV brought to you by "Reluctant Heroes" by AmaLee

So. That's Hinata Hyuga. She's a cute little girl. The Byakugan. I remember that Ao ended up with one.

"Hey! Are you guys Team 8?" I called out after walking toward them.

"Yeah... who are you?" A boy with a cute puppy on his head asked suspiciously.

"I'm Azusa L/N, and Y/N L/N is my little sister. I was told that one of you wanted to meet me. Is that correct?" I played a little bit dumb at the end.

"Umm... yes. I-I'm Hinata H-Hyuga. Th-this is Kiba Inuzuka. That's Sh-Shino Aburame," the little cutie replied.

"Aww!! You're so adorable! The guy you're crushing on will notice you eventually! He'll love you! Anyway, would you mind if I watched you practice?" I asked.

Hinata blushed and passed out, but before  Shino and Kiba tried to catch her—

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" I summoned my hawk named Striker.

Striker caught Hinata.

"Woah! That was cool! And really fast, too!" Kiba exclaimed, Akamaru barking his approval as well.

"Yeah. Striker and I have been together for a while. Haven't we?" I said the last bit in that babying voice everyone does when you talk to a pet.

"Azuuuu! You know I don't like when you talk to me in that tone! Anyway, yes, we have," the hawk replied.

"Anyways, you guys. Can I watch you train? I heard Hinata-chan has the Byakugan, and I've been dying to see it in action!" I gushed.

"Sure, as long as you're okay with bugs. That's Shino's specialty," Kiba replied.

"Great! Striker, I need you to go home. I know you eat bugs on occasion, so you can go home now."

Suigetsu's POV brought to you by "Size of the Moon" (Tsuki no Ookisa, Shippuden OP 15)

So. Team 9. An arrogant genius, a somewhat annoying little brunette, and a boy who supposedly can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu.

"Y/N-chan, how are you doing? I know that you were really close to Zabuza-sama," I asked her, realizing that I hadn't asked about her wellbeing yet.

"Well. I... want to kill Team 7."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I just miss him so much! I hope we'll see Kisame-sama soon!" Y/N-chan suddenly started sobbing.

I didn't know what to do, so I just went in for a hug. After about 15 seconds she calmed down and hugged back.

"Let's go see Team 9. They're older than we are, so we should check on their skills," I changed the subject back to the mission at hand.

"Okay. Azu is probably learning about the Byakugan. She will probably ask about Neji, but we can watch him, just to be sure. We know Rock Lee only uses taijutsu. His mentor, Might Gai, can open the Eight Gates. I'm pretty sure Gai's father died using the Eighth Gate of Death. Gai happens to be a very hardcore teacher, so he probably taught Lee the Eight Gates. Tenten, well... she's good with weapons. I doubt she'll make it too far along in the exams. We can't underestimate her, though," Y/N-chan explained.

"Whoo! That was a mouthful, Y/N-chan!" I whistled, very much impressed by her already large amount of knowledge.

Y/N's POV and time skip~ brought to you by The Last Jedi:

We finished gathering information about Team 9. Team 10 is our next stop.

"I've heard about the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, I think. Aren't they the guys from those three clans that are some of the best at teamwork?" Suigetsu-kun asked me on the way to the training field where Team 10 was practicing.

I nodded.

"These three are the newest generation. Ino Yamanaka is obsessed with Sasuke Uchiha. Choji and Shikamaru are best friends. Choji is often motivated by food, especially Korean BBQ. Shikamaru is incredibly smart, but he is very lazy," I explained.

Suigetsu-kun grinned and said, "Why do we need to research if you already know this stuff so well? We could go get food!"

"But we can't forget about our mission!" I protested.

"Come on! Ramen or BBQ?" Suigetsu-kun asked.

"BBQ, I guess. Team 10 might be there anyway..." I gave in.

Time skip~ brought to you by Class 3-E:

I saw Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji sitting with Asuma Sarutobi, their sensei.

"Hey, Team 10! Mind if we join? Suigetsu-kun's buying for the two of us, so you don't have to worry about our food's cost!" I called across the establishment.

"I am?—I mean, of course I am, Y/N-chan" Suigetsu seemed slightly surprised.

Asuma was the one to reply, "Sure. We've got some room. It'll be a good experience for my students to meet a shinobi from another village."

Time Skip brought to you by Ikimono-gakari:

"Okay, we have all the information we need. Azusa-san got the scoop on Team 7, right?" Suigetsu said.


I guess we're ready for the exam. Chūnin exams part 1, here we come!

Note from Big Sis:
My hiatus is over.
I'm back, kids!! Sorry I took so long. This is Chapter 10. Chapter 11 will be here as soon as I feel like updating. Love you!

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