Aaron's Dream

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Aaron's POV

     After Y/N left I ate dinner then went on my phone. I decided I probably needed to do my homework so I did. I went upstairs to text Y/N.

Aaron ❤: hey Y/N I had a great time hanging out with you ❤. I hope we can do it again tomorrow

Hmm she didn't answer. I wonder what's up. I'll ask about it tomorrow.

After I did my homework I went to sleep, during sleep I had a dream-no! a nightmare!

~in the nightmare~ *trigger warning*
I was laying in my bed snuggling with y/n when I heard her soft voice say something. I didn't hear her so I asked "baby whats the matter?" and she replied with "he's coming" "Who's coming?"  I asked her worried. "Him" she says quietly pointing to the door and cowering next to me as a tall man came in. "Who are you?" I asked the man. Before he answered I was knocked out, during that time I was tied up on a chair in the corner, y/n was tied up on the bed with her hands on the top and her feet on the bottom we both had rags over our mouths to keep us quiet. Then the school's jock and bully Bryce comes in. With a knife. He goes over to y/n as I struggled trying go get out of my ropes because I didn't want him to do anything to her. He took the knife and cut down her clothes while she had a slight smirk he cut off her clothing and started kissing her, she kissed back. At this time I was crying and still struggling. His kisses got lower down her body and stopped at her breasts and kissed them, I would look away but he had my head put in a specific place so that I can't. I heard a slight moan come from y/n, the moan I wanted to make her make. He then starts fucking her and loud moans came from y/n while Bryce was just cackling. He knew I love y/n and he is doing this to torture me. Once they were done he pulled his pants back up and again took his knife. He stood up and started to trace lines on y/n's body leaving slight cuts. This made me cry even more seeing her in pain. At this point I had given up on trying to escape as I knew there was no way to. The cuts started to get deeper and y/n started to scream. He then took the knife to her throat and cut it. It wasn't enough to make her die but it still probably hurt like a bitch. He then looked at me in the eyes and stabbed y/n in the heart and walked out as I was left there crying.

I woke up from my dream with a scream, I felt my face and I had been crying. I had to see y/n I have to see if she's ok.

I decided to video call her.
ring ring ring
She didn't pick up, damn.

I put on some clothes and checked the time, 4:49. I still really wanted to see y/n. That's it I'm going to her house.

I got in my car and drove to her house. I knew she wasn't awake so I looked around for an open window. Luckily her bedroom window was open. I climbed in and landed in the floor with a thud waking y/n up.

"What the fuck" Y/n said groggy. "Hey it's me" I whispered. "Aaron?" she asked. "Yeah duh" I said giggling. "No offence but why are you here?" she asked me confused. "Because I had a nightmare about you and you died and I was sad so I wanted to see you." I told her frowning. "Oh.. come here" She said holding out her arms for a hug. I went over to her and hugged her. We sat there cuddling for a few minutes before I asked "hey can you stay home from school today? I can stay with you or we could even have you pretend to go to school but we could go to my house instead?" "Um yeah sire but I have 2 other things 1: we will have to go with the second one because my mom and dad will beat the shot out of me if they think I skipped school and 2: why?" she answered and asked. So I said "1: alright I'll leave you to sleep then when it's time for you to leave for "School" I'll come and meet you then we can go to my house and 2: beause I don't want you near Bryce don't ask that dream fucked me up" "Alright I'll see you soon bai" She said tiredly snuggling back up into her blanket. "I'll see you later" I said about to climb out of the window. She looked at me and got up to use the bathroom. I had realized she was only wearing a bra and sweatpants I blushed and she just winked and I left. "Wow I was snuggling with her while she was wearing that?" I thought to myself. I definitely have a major crush on this girl.

~Time Skip~

I got a text from y/n saying she walked to the next block and for me to meet her there so that's what I'm currently doing. Once I reached the street I saw y/n standing there on her phone. I snuck up behind her and scared her.

"AHH! Holy fuck you scared me!" Y/n screamed. "Hahaha I'm sorry" I said hugging her. "It's okay" She said hugging back. As we let go we started walking. "Hey do you wanna go to Starbucks before we go to my house?" I asked her stopping. "Uh sure I guess" She answered with a smile.

We got to Starbucks and I ordered chai tea and y/n ordered y/f/d. I payed for the both of us and we sat down at a table.

"Sooo what was your dream about?" Y/n asked me looking up from her drink. "Oh um... basically you and I were hanging out and we sat on my bed to watch a movie then you whispered "he's coming" and I asked who was coming. You said "him" and Bryce came in. At the time I couldn't tell who it was so I asked him who it was then I wad knocked out. When I woke up I was tied to a chair with a rag in my mouth. You were tuned to my bed with a rag on your mouth as well. He came in and took off your rag and took your clothes off and kissed you then you guys... well ya know... had sex. I was trying go get off the chair and you guys best doing it. At some point I stopped struggling cus there was no way for me to get away. He then started cutting you. He slit your throat so slightly (hahaha Set it Off reference) and I started to try to get out to help you again. He looked me in the eyes and stabbed you in the heart and you died instantly. Then I woke up crying." I told her, while skipping a few things so she wouldn't know I like her. "Oh wow... that's a lot. Just know that if Bryce ever did try to have sex with me I would kick in in the balls" she said while a slight giggle at the last part.

We finished our drinks and left the store. Once we arrived to my house I noticed a cat in the driveway and I knew it wasn't my dad's.

"Who the fuck is at my house?" I thought out loud. "Is that your mom or dad's car?" Y/n asked. "No I have never seen that car in my life" I replied as a ran over time my house.

I stood out front and looked in the window. I saw no one.

"Y/n, wait outside. I'm gonna go in and if I don't come out in five minutes call the cops." I told her as I was about to open the door. "Wait why would I have to call the cops?" She asked. "Because it means something bad happened." I told her and gave her a hug. She hugged back and I went inside.

I walked all around downstairs and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary so I went upstairs.

As I entered my room I heard the chair squeeking. I opened my door to see... Bryce.

Author's Note
Ha fuckers you get a cliff hanger. I have been putting this off for a while just because I'm lazy to be completely honest. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm thinking about writing a Brendon Urie x Reader so if you check my profile in like 2 months it might be a thing if you're interested. Anyway bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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