So It Begins

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"One foot in front of the other." I reminded myself calmly. Already my stomach had cursed me by tangling into knots. My head and been aching since the early hours of the day. Now my feet were struggling to function, but I wasn't going down without a fight.

The comments started as soon as my beat up converse hit the chipped tile floors. Black and white checks lead me to my destination, a rusted, falling apart, and probably moldy locked. Gag! Slowly I turned the dial making sure I was using the right combination. Of course the door squeaked open drawing the attention of everyone in the area. Sighing I tossed in my backpack without even checking to see if something had died in there.

People shuffled down the halls was chatting about their summers. Personally my summer had been great. Thankfully my parents had told me about this move toward the end of the last school year. That gave me plenty of time to party and spend time with my friends. Boy was my time spent well, even if most of the time I was high, or doing something stupid. Not living on the edge is like living dead.

The bathrooms seemed like a relatively quiet place. Taking a step to the side I stood in front of a stained mirror. This morning is hardly bothered to look at myself. I'd done the least amount of makeup possible; foundation, mascara, and a nude lipstick. After deciding to leave my hair natural I ran my hair through it and flipped as much of it to the right side of my head. It was comforting to hide behind my wave brown locks. Plus I didn't mind the lazy look to it either.

My outfit was on the rather plain side. Honestly I grabbed the first two things I saw in my closet. I'd picked a tight white t-shirt, and a short cherry red skirt. Plain. Simple. Cute. That was enough. My beaten up black and white converse were loosely tied around my feet. I liked to ride the laces behind my shoe instead of the front though. It made the laces look like dirty little bows.

I'd been absentmindedly staring at myself for way to long. I almost didn't notice the blonde that frantically rushed in rummaging through a bag. Her gold heels were about 6 inches too tall, and her skin tight pink dress seemed extremely short. My blue eyes locked with hers in the mirror.

"Hey, do you smoke weed," she asked, "you look like someone who would smoke weed." She tossed the bag down on the floor and quickly pulled out a small clear plastic bag.

"Uhm..."I mumbled not really knowing how to respond. The blonde quickly got up from the floor holding the bag.

She approached me after eyeing the door for a minute.

"Wanna do a girl a favor," she questioned. Her eyes continued to dart back and forth between myself and the door.

"Uh...sure," I shrugged.

"Take this," she placed the sack in my hand, "I don't care what you do with it, just don't tell anyone it was from me."

"I couldn't do that if I tried," I smirked, "I have no idea who the fuck you are."

"Willam, and who the fuck are you?"

"Beatrix," I stuck out my hand lazily, "Call me Bea." Willam shook my hand loosely, almost like she didn't want to touch me. It didn't bother me though, we'd only met five seconds ago.

"You must be the new chick everyone's blabbing about," Willam thought aloud.

"Most likely. I just moved here a week ago," I replied, not really sure whether she cared to know or not.

"Nothing against you but Bethany Mills is literally fucking pregnant with someone on the basketball teams baby, but everyone wants to make a scene about some new bitch and not some whore," she mini-ranted. So that's the kind of school this was. If all the kids here were what Willam made them sound like. They must all suck dicks for money, and drink to drown the memories.

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