Chapter 1: Cassiopeia Tegan Murdoch

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm went off in my ear. My dog, Harley, shifted her weight as I groggily rolled over to hit the snooze button. It was just after 6 in the morning. I sighed as I rolled over and snuggled back into my warm pillows.

"Why do you set it so early, you never wake up?" My sister, Kathleen, yelled from across the room while she pulled her blanket over her head. I just grunted in response to her.


I woke up to a pillow hitting me in the face.

"Come on, we're going to be late." Kathy  tried to wake me up.

"What time is it?" I asked half awake.

"7:18, mom said to tell you that your breakfast is getting cold." She replied as she picked up her backpack.

"What? I'll be up in a minute!" I jumped up out of my bed. Kathy  walked out of our room while I frantically searched for clothes. I went to my closet and pulled out my white and black plaid shirt over my red avenger shirt. I grabbed my backpack and ran out of my room and up the stairs into the kitchen.

Three of my siblings were sitting at the table eating waffles, the other four would be getting up soon.  Chris and Kathy were twins and were about a year older than me, then William was 2 years younger than me. I sat down in my spot at our incredible long table next to my brother William.  I took a couple of waffles and poured the maple syrup on top of them.

"Hurry  up guys, we are going to be late."  My brother, Christian, said as he finished the last bit of his waffles. My brothers and sister were almost done and I was still on my first bite. I quickly shoved most of my waffle into my mouth and then put the plate in the sink. After I did that I want to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth my brother, William, started banging on the door.

"Come on Tegan, I don't have all day!" I quickly finished up and ran out. On my way out the door I grabbed my backpack and my shoes. Everyone was in the truck, and as soon as I got in, we were heading for Will's school. He was a middle school while the rest of us were in high school. I ran a hand through my short auburn hair before pulling my shoes on as we pulled into the busy parking lot of Will's school. Christian pulled up along the sidewalk and Will jumped out into the crowd of middle schoolers. We said goodbye to him and pulled away.

The three of us rode in silence on the way to school which was just a few minutes away. Christian searched for an empty parking space until he found one that was quite a bit aways from the school, but that was the best that we were going to get because I made us late.

Christian lock the doors of his old truck and we walked into school together.

"Are we getting lunch today?" Kathy  asked.

"I might have to take a test during lunch, but you guys can go get something."

"Wanna do that Tea?"

"Sure Kath."

"I'll text you if I can, but if not bring me back something." He handed the keys to Kathy  and left to join his group of his friends.

"Alright." Kathy called after him. "Meet at the truck?"

"Sounds good, see you then." I waved goodbye to my sister before we went our separate ways to find our own friends.

"Cass!" I heard my friends behind me call out my nickname.

"Sam! Dean!" I yelled back to them. Their real names were Nikki and Amber, but we go by the characters we are most like from one of our favorite tv shows, Supernatural.

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