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"BOY! GET DOWN HERE!" I hear my whale of an Uncle's voice call me.

I walk downstairs, just to come face to face with the said whale.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon?" I ask.

I can not wait to go back to Hogwarts. There, I can finally learn to become an animagus, just like Sirius, and my dad.

"We think that you have been basking in our hospitality for much to long. You need to start paying for the years you spent here. You are going to do the chores we give you on a daily basis, without complaint. Understand? If you fail to complete the chores, or disregard them completely, you will get a beating. This beating is going to be taken without complaint. Understand?" Vernon exclaimed. While he was talking, his face kept moving closer to my own. Now, his face was about 3 centimeters a way.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon." I whisper in submission.

Honestly, I really have no choice, do I? I mean, Dumbledore would not be very happy if I get myself kicked out.

"Good. Now, boy, here is your list for today." Vernon hands me a piece of paper longer then Hermione's essays for Potions.

"This is everything in the house! I can't do this!" I exclaimed.

I felt a sting across my cheek.

"You will NOT complain! Understand, boy?!" Uncle Vernon exclaimed with another slap across my cheek.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon."

I start doing the chores, gardening, cleaning, laundry, pretty much anything you could think of.

By the end of the day I am physically and mentally exhausted.

I slowly trudge up the stairs, and fall into my bed. I hear a soft hoot. I lift my head up and give Hedwig a small smile.

"Oh, Hedwig. What would I do without you?"

Said owl gave a small hoot, while her eyes shone with pride. I never could understand how she's so smart, but she is, and even if she wasn't, her ego would never let me say otherwise.

"My birthday is coming up," Hedwig hooted. "Do you think Ron and Hermione will get me anything?"

It was true, it seemed like they were abandoning him, only a few letters explaining how they would talk more when they see him again.

I sighed, and looked down at Hedwig. My attention was diverted to the hand that was stroking her, I must not tell lies clearly engraved in it.

I sighed again, and Hedwig gave a hoot of reassurance.

Just then, my Uncle that gives whales a bad name, comes storming into my room, reeking of alcohol.

"Boy, yos willpays for what yous done tos thihouse." Vernon said, his voice all slurred.

100% drunk.

He came rushing over to me, and started hitting me repeatedly in the face. And it hurt. I could feel blood streaming out of my nose and mouth.

Next thing I know, he's kicking me in the stomach while i'm on the floor. I feel the welcoming presence of unconsciousness in the back of my mind, and I welcome it, letting myself fade into darkness. 

WORDS: 516

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