Part One: Divorce

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Patrick Dempsey as Vincent Mcall 48 and Kate Walsh as Kathrine Mcall 47

Friday June 29th (school had ended on the 19th)
~Maya's POV~
It's been one year since mom and dads divorce and right now we are moving in with our new step family .I cannot believe this bullshit! It's only been one year and my dad has already re-married and we are already moving in with 'my new family'. I guess mom was right when she said that some people aren't meant to be. Speaking of mom I miss her so much this is gonna be impossible, fucking impossible! How the hell am I supposed to call someone else 'mom' when my real mother is still there?

Speaking of which, I'm still asking myself why I decided to go with dad I mean I could've just stayed with mom but then again it was a heat of the moment situation it was like choosing between ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream being my dad and chocolate being my mom and I chose ice cream, ugh!

Anyways, I'm now on my five hour flight to L.A it's been 3 hours meaning I only have 2 more hours of ranting to my best friend Riley. I honestly don't know what I would do without her, she's my sister, my partner in crime and also the person I can rant to about things or in this case my parents divorce.

-text conversation-

🔥Maya🔥: I cannot fucking believe him only 1 month after he left mom and he's found someone else?!?

🔥Maya🔥: and on top of that he's married her within 5 months and now we're moving in with them WHAT BULLSHIT

Ri❤️😂: IKR!! Like honestly he should've waited

🔥Maya🔥: ik I'm just pissed b4 it was Dad,Mom and me but now it's Dad, Step-mom, Step-sister, step-
brother, me, step-sister and then step-sister i don't think I'll ever be used to being called 'avery'

Ri❤️😂: wut do u mean 'u'll never be used to being called Avery'

🔥Maya🔥: legally my surname is now Avery cuz that my new fam's last name (idk legal stuff so I'm making it up as I go)

Ri❤️😂: waitt u don't mean Jack Avery's family do u?

🔥Maya🔥: yes I mean Jack Robert Averys family didn't I tell u???



Ri❤️😂: wow when am I coming to ur place again??


Ri❤️😂: wut? Is it bad wanting to visit my BFF?

🔥Maya🔥: yes it is when ur BFF step-brother just so happens to be the person ur obsessed w/ and when she's is still moving to the new house

Ri❤️😂: wow I feel the love🙄

Ri❤️😂: I h8 u

🔥Maya🔥: no u don't and also did I not say that ur gonna visit soon

Ri❤️😂: righttt and also ima sleep now it's 12:55 here and I'm tired af

🔥Maya🔥: kk g'night girlie

Ri❤️😂: nighty night

🔥Maya🔥: don't let the bed bugs bite lol

Ri❤️😂:😂😂 k Ima sleep now

I just stared laughing. That's another thing I love about Riley, she can always make me laugh. "See, this won't be that bad hon." My dad said and then reality hit me like a train, my parents got divorced, we are moving in with my new step-family. I'm starving. "Hey, would you like to get something?" The flight attendant asked.

"Um, yes. Could I get a Fanta and some nuts please?" I ask very politely cause this women could burst any second, trust me I've seen those videos and they scare the living daylights outta me. "Here you go." She handed me a Fanta and a bag of peanuts.

"Thank you." I say and politely smile like I said. I've seen the videos and I would like to get out of this flight in one piece. Well here I come new fam.

~Riley's POV~

I feel so bad for Maya, I know I should be sleeping but I can't, knowing that my BFF is out their and is still unstable due to her parents divorce just hurts. I mean, we're like twins so I can feel when she's hurting. I can see though the mask she's wearing. She says she's 'ok' but she's not. She's still hurting even though she shouldn't she doesn't deal with change. I guess I should text her mom I need to be there for her too.

-text conversation-

Ri❤️😂: hey mamma Mcall how r u dealing with this?

Mamma Mcall: I don't think I am dealing with this I mean my daughter and husband have left just left

Ri❤️😂: Maya didn't leave she still feels bad for leaving and is still pissed off at Dad

They're like my family so calling then dad, mom or sister is pretty much second nature

Mamma Mcall: Ik it's just that's what it feels like

Ri❤️😂: if it makes you feel better M said that she's pissed off bc of the new family arrangements
Mamma Mcall: really?

Ri❤️😂: yup she even said that she would've picked u if she had more time

Mamma Mcall: wow I really need to call her, I miss her so much

Ri❤️😂: k i miss her 2 she also said she will never get used to calling her step-mom 'mom'

Mamma Mcall: I guess that makes me feel a little better

Ri❤️😂: happy I could help🙃

Mamma Mcall: I'm gonna call her rn good night Riley

Ri❤️😂: night mamma Mcall

How did you like this chapter???????? I know it was pretty short but like whatever I hope you guys enjoyed PEACE Y'ALL

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