Never Set

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It was only after then I could imagine myself as a bird. A bird that with the longest blue wing 

possible.I would fly over the fields of souls and fly over the Grey Dictator.  Soaring higher and 

higher until my lungs burst and I would fall back down and land at the Grey Dictator's feet.  And 

on that very night as he made me walk through the hills of the tortured souls till' I found 8 

children. Children who had not been corrupted or touched by the others pain. So I set them 

free. To rise above this life, each became air with strings, strings that could take away the 

screaming souls in my head. To free me of the binding and confinement of the Grey Dictator. I 

grabbed hold of the strings and I flew up. Up past the pounding of my head and the Grey 

Dictator. And yet before I got too high a whisper came from the children. 

"We flee, we flee, we let you go so we can be free" 

and like that down I came. With the screams getting louder and the pounding growing stronger I

 just want it to be over! And it STOPS! 

This is a warning. 

Never try to beat the Grey Dictator. Leave it standing. For as I fell, light seared, blinding my eyes.

 Permanently burning me and binding me, into the Grey Dictator, and my soul becoming one of 

the many that haunted me. Hoping for the day that when the Grey is broken I may finally be free.

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