Chapter 4: A New Superhero

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AUTHOR NOTE: Hello beautiful people. Here is chapter 4 of QoR, (finally). Sorry for the wait , and I don't see the point in trying to give excuses. 

I would also like to invite you all to check out my other stories if you wish. I promise there not complete crap.


Chapter 4

Landing in the ally she had selected moments ago. Queen Bee began to realize that she didn't actually know how to transform back to her civilian self. Remembering the phrase from earlier she decided to try and say the opposite.

"Pollen, stripes off?" she more so questioned.

But sure enough, there was a yellow light and left in its wake was Chloe. She looked down at herself to see her usual attire. Her expensive yellow jacket, expensive white pants and also expensive striped t shirt. She sighed "Back to reality then." She whispered to herself.

"Oh, honey you shouldn't pout, it's not very attractive."

Chloe looked up to see pollen seemingly brushing dust off herself. "Are all Kwami's the same?"

"How do you mean?" Pollen stopped her preening and glared at the teen.

"Vain." Chloe stated, crossing her arms.

Pollen seemingly thought about this for a moment, before smirking and said, "No, that's just me."

At that Chloe couldn't help but smile, 'At least she admits it' she thought. Then it began to rain, again. Groaning she let pollen into a pocket in her jacket and hopelessly tried to shield her hair from the rain with her hands. Hopelessly. She began the trek home.

Upon arriving in the foyer, the receptionist seemed to notice that she hadn't seen Chloe leave, and had a sense of dejavu upon seen her dripping wet for the second time that day.


A few blocks away at the entryway of an apartment building, the red head artist Nathaniel sighed in relief upon making it inside out of the rain. His brain was still in a stunned state. He had a single image jamming his normal functions. As he subconsciously walked through the front doors and began fishing around his bag for the keys to his apartment, he continued to stare ahead.

Who is she? Why is she here? Question after question echoing through the teen's mind. Where did she come from? Is she even human?

His absentminded attempts to find his keys payed of as he managed to scratch himself with the edge of the key. He snapped out of his zombie like state and looked down at his hand. The keys he held were of a gold colored metal. Now with a tint of red along the edge.

His face then set in determination as he marched up the stairs to the second floor. He thrust the key into the lock and it clicked open. He pushed open the door and hurriedly closed it behind him. He then rushed past the living room and absently waved to his mother, without really looking her way. Once he was in his room he hastily grabbed his pencil case and an empty sketch book. He sat at his desk, turned on his desk lamp, and with his newfound inspiration he began to draw.


"Tikki, I'm worried." Marinette said to her Kwami. "Why would Master Fu give out the Bee miraculous unless there was a threat that he didn't think just Chat Noir and I could handle on our own, and even then what about just calling on Rena Rouge, like usual."

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