Chapter 13

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Guanlin's POV
Jihoon was now having his trimester there's a lot of changes in him, besides on always waking me up in 3 am that became a daily routine of him! He became sensitive! He's gaining weight too instead of losing weight... Now... We became opposite, he's the boss now...

Right now we're here in the hospital for his check up since he's about to have his first trimester.

First Trimester

"The beginning of this trimester is measured from before your baby was a twinkle in your eye. It is measured from the first day of your LNMP, which is before you even conceived. This is because it’s the first day that your body starts preparing for a pregnancy." the doctor said as Jihoon nod his head while I'm sitting beside him.

The doctor starts to explain about the First Trimester...

"The first trimester of pregnancy spans from week one to thirteen, or the first three calendar months. And for about half of this time, you might not even know you’re pregnant!" The doctor said.

Since it's only his first trimester Jihoon's stomach is still flat. You won't even recognise that he's pregnant by looking at his stomach...

Guanlin's POV
I'm still sleeping since Jihoon woke me up earlier. When someone shake me," Guanlin! We need to go to the doctor now!" Jihoon said as he shake me. I then get up as i ruffled my hair in annoyance. I went to the bathroom as i take a bath then wear a clothes.

~Living Room~

Jihoon's POV
I'm waiting for Guanlin to go here since were going to the doctor again for another check up. "Jihoon let's go" he said as he go downstairs and directly go outside and i follow him. He help me to get inside the car as he put my seatbelt.

Second Trimester

"Making it past the first trimester is a reassuring feeling for all pregnant men. About 95% of your baby’s core development is behind both of you. Your baby’s essential organs and body systems should be in place and fully formed.

In the second trimester your baby will continue to mature and increase in sizeAmazingly, this increase will be by 300 to 400% in your second trimester. He or she will also start to look more and more like the little person they will become.

Exhaustion and nausea experienced in early pregnancy should also begin to settle down. This trimester is commonly labelled as the “feel good” trimester. Hopefully, you will have more energy, be feeling more comfortable and just better overall. Try to make the most of these exciting three months" the doctor said.

Guanlin's POV
Every morning Jihoon always feel dizzy and when it's PE time in school i didn't let him to join it as he easily get tired since he's pregnant. I excuse him also in the teacher about him not able to join that class.

Guanlin's POV
I'm cooking our breakfast and after this we'll go for another check up since it's his third trimester... When he went to smell it as he make a gross look "Mwo?" i asked and i saw him cover his nose. "Yuck! I hate the smell!" he said, "What do you want to eat?" i asked and he just gave me a hmpp as he was having a mood swing again aish. "I'll just buy you a chicken you want?" i asked and he just nod his head as he drink a milk and eat cookies.

After that, we then went to the hospital...

Third Trimester

"Reaching your third trimester will give you a great sense of achievement.

All of your baby’s organs and systems will be preparing for life outside the womb. Although they have been fully formed since around 12 weeks of pregnancy, an enormous amount of maturity and development has been taking place since then. No doubt, will have been feeling some of them!

Your baby’s movements will also become stronger and more defined in the third trimester. As your baby grows it will quickly run out of space to wriggle around in your uterus. This means that you will feel every kick and movement more clearly when they shift position.

Your third trimester may last up to 42 weeks. And your baby could be born anytime onwards from 37 weeks. Only 5% of babies are born on their exact due date. Remember that every pregnancy and every baby is unique so do your best to go with the flow. And to make the most of this amazing time" the doctor said and we both nod.

Guanlin's POV
Jihoon's stomach is now big and all the teacher's in our class was worried about him. But he insist on going to school even though he's pregnant...

"Jagiya... Please can you not go to school for now?" i said as i hug him. "No! I can't miss any lesson!" he said. I just sighed and we both went to school.

When we arrived everyone is looking at us as they gossip about Jihoon's pregnancy. Daehwi and Jinyoung went to us as we all enter the building Altogether.

"Okay so the Rank 1 in our class is Mr. Lai Guanlin" our teacher said as everyone clap i get the certificate as i went in front and we take a picture i then went back to my sit. Jihoon is sleeping since he's easy to get tired. "Our Rank 2 is Mr. Lai Jihoon!" our teacher said as i get his certificate in behalf of him and everyone adore me like duhh. I'm just doing it because he's my wife and he's pregnant...

Guanlin's POV
Jihoon is eating a lot of foods, me, Jinyoung and Daehwi were just watching him as he eat deliciously, "aigoo... Jihoon eat slowly" Daehwi said as he smiled. But Jihoon didn't listen "I'm hungry!" he said with full mouth. "Aish. If you don't eat slow you might get choke your food" i said as i pat his back. "They're right" Jinyoung said as he now eat too.

"I want buko pie!" he shout as he hold his waist and looked at me, I'm sitting on the sofa watching anime when this Cookie Bear disturb me again. I sighed as i get up "Okay" i said as i went outside to buy him a buko pie. Seriously! He's getting fat now! He ate a lot than me!

When i got back i saw him stomping his feet as he went to me and get his buko pie and then sit on the couch as he watch a movie. He ate all the 5 box buko pie in one sit! Gosh.

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