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Chapter 1


"I love you... to the moon and back sweetheart"

"I love you too William..."

Helen Flores and William Ramirez were both head over heels in love with each other. They were known as the campus lovers for they are not only smart and talented, but they are also known for what they call the "relationship goals."

Every student envied their almost perfect relationship for they are truly perfect for each other. No one ever tried ruining their love story for they are accepted by everybody, even their professors.

They are also legal, in terms of their relationship with their parents... but only with William's part. Helen, as the only child, her parents expect so much from her so she's still hesitant to open up her relationship with William to them.

"But sweetheart... when are you going to introduce me to your parents? Hmm?"

"Soon... William. But not now, please..."

Everyone thought that their relationship was always just happiness, love and sweetness. No one thought that behind all those perfect scenes they keep on showing, they keep on seeing, there is a battle running inside their heads. A battle that they refuse to talk, a battle that they keep on ignoring, and a battle that they have left out... to win... over them.

"Okay sweetheart. I'm sorry for opening this up. I was just trying my luck haha."

"It's not funny, okay? You know too well that when it comes to making my parents proud of me, I become too sensitive!" Helen yelled on the top of her lungs.

No one thought that behind that perfect image, she has some attitude problem. She's demanding, childish and a total brat. What she wants, what she gets. She's a hypocrite. No doubt, that behind that all pretty face, only William, the only man who have lasted her.

But that's not the deal. William on the other hand, as for he is way moooore in love with Helen, he always put up to all of Helen's demands and terms.

Their so-called perfect relationship went on and went on, hoping that they can really ignore their differences and incompatibility.

But they were wrong...

"Helen! Helen!"

"Yes dad?"

Helen was slapped by his father. Shock was all over Helen's face after she realized what just happened.

" Benito! Benito! Stop it! Helen go back to your room---"

"Shut up you slut! I will teach your daughter a lesson. Because just like her mother, the daughter now knows how to flirt huh?"

No one knows that Helen grew up in an abusive environment. She can always hear her parents fighting or worse see his father abusing her mother. But this was the first time she was hit by his father. This was the main reason why she can't open up her relationship with them. The reason where she keeps only for herself, even William doesn't know anything about her shits.

"Da... dad p..please me explain..." Helen can't even talk straight for her face hurts so much, the side of her lips started to bleed. She's shivering for she's afraid of what her father can do because she knows what her father is capable of.

"Come on Helen. Mommy will fix this, hmm? Go up p... please baby please..." Her mom started to cry, shivering... touching her face with her cold rough hands.


"AAAAHHH!!" Her dad grabbed her mother's hair and pushed her away causing them to scream and shiver more in fear.

"Please dad pleas--eee" Helen is starting to lose her control. She can't even hardly move or talk. "Dad please!! Leave mom alone. It's me? It's me who you want to talk right? Leave her alone! She has nothing to do with my mess!"

"She is darling" Her father whispered coldly on her ears, but loud enough for her mother to hear it too. "She is for she is your mother. This slut here is your mother. And you! Hahaha is starting to be slut too? Like mother! Like daughter!" His father grabbed her face and squeezed it hardly. Helen started to feel the blood on her mouth.

"Please Benito! Pleaaase stop what you—"

"Shut up woman!"

"So who's the guy you are flirting Helen?" My dad grabbed my hair and brought me to the master's bedroom.

"Dad please stop this! Plea—se! Tell me what you want please! I will do it! Just please stop this!" Helen tried to stop his dad from grabbing her but she was way too strong for her to handle.

Benito closed the door and locked it. Loud bangs and knocks was being made by her mother but Benito was unstoppable.

Helen on the other hand was left shivering on the corner of the bed where his father threw her like she was nothing but a thing, and not as his child. Not even a human.

That night, she was treated by his father as an animal. She was molested and used for not only once, but 6 times. It was her first time and probably would be the last. She felt like she was nothing but a trash.

After his father did that to her, he went on like nothing happened.

"Fix yourself. Go back to your room." As his father was fixing his belt, she hurriedly stand up, feeling the pain down there, she didn't bother to wear her clothes but she hurriedly went to the door, hoping that if she opens it, she'll escape hell. Before leaving the room, she looked back and looked into the bed for the first time. She was horrified with the blood stain on the sheets and the ruined clothes that was scattered all over the room. But what made her more sick is that creepy wide smile plastered on his father's face. She then after, ran as fast as she can to reach her room ignoring that she's wearing nothing but her dried tears and her wounds.

"Helen! Helen! What happe—" Her mom saw her in that state while she was doing her best to walk despite of the pain she is feeling. Helen slammed the door and there she was... left doing nothing but staring at nowhere.

Her tears, no more.

Her sanity, no more.

Her soul, no more.

She mumbled something before she passed out right in front f her door.

"Save me..."

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