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Y/N somehow got reincarnated to a frog. Nobody knew her. All she did was hop around all day, trying to find Eren for revenge. She was not a normal frog. She was a frog that was 10 feet tall. A really big frog.

But hey, at least titans wouldn't eat her.

She found the wall and looked up. Eren and his Minons were on the wall. She started climbing up the wall. She got onto it and hopped towards Eren.

Eren looked at her. He had stems for arms and legs, a fat lemon body, and his normal head. "Why, lookee here. It's a giant frog." He said in his very squeaky and high pitched voice.

Y/N lunged at him. She attacked his face. He grabbed her and pulled her off his face. He then took her to Sasha. "Cook it." He demanded.

Sasha nodded with a "yes, king" and took the frog, also known as Y/N.

She ran off to find the oven.

But before she could put Y/N in, Y/N quickly opened her mouth and swallowed Sasha whole. She hopped back over to Eren and croaked.

She then spoke in a deep, dark, and menacing voice,

"You're next, Eren."

Then hopped off the wall, landing gracefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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