All In My Head (Jungkook x You)

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Jeon Jungkook's wife.

Something you have always wanted to be.

Something you have always dream of.

But its something you know wont ever come true.

Until today.

As you looked at the handsome man who is impeccably dressed in a black suit standing in front of you at the altar, you slowly pinched yourself to checked for the nth time that this is not just another one of your vivid day dream.

Its your wedding day. And you are marrying Jeon Jungkook. Your best friend who you have been in love with for years. Its supposed to be the happiest day of your life. The most joyful experience a girl can ever have. But when Jungkook looked at you with his dark obsidian eyes, void of any emotions while he slipped on the ring on your shaking finger, your marriage ring that will bound the two of you for eternity, only then you remembered that this is not the fairytale you had always wished for. Jungkook is not here, marrying you, own his own will.

Your marriage was arranged.

And Jungkook hates and blames you for it.

There was no loving hugs or kisses after the two of you were married, only polite nods and formal greetings to the guests. Jungkook wanted to keep the wedding small, only inviting close friends and relatives as he told you to keep the fact that you are married from the media a while longer. Although you heart breaks thinking about how Jungkook really hates the fact that he's married to you to the point he is keeping it a secret from everyone, you still meekly agreed to each and every one of his condition.

As long as you still become Jeon Jungkook's wife.

Jungkook swing opened the double doors to your new marriage home, a pent house at one of the most expensive building in the city, a gift from the both of your parents who is the most happiest to finally get their two children together.

"So... this is home," he said as he walked in, placing the suitcases on the floor. "You like it?" you paced around the huge living area and look out from the ceiling to floor windows that lined the walls, exposing the night scenery of the city.

"I do. Its beautiful," you whispered as you turned to looked at him. Your husband. The reality of this very fact still sounds unreal to you. "Jungkook. We-"

Jungkook akwardly cleared his throat and cut whatever it is you were intending to say.

"Erm so why dont you go freshen up or take a bath first, its late and I'm sure you are already tired," you dropped your gaze to the floor and gave a slow nod before making your way to your bedroom. After you had a long refreshing bath, you opened you suitcase that has been pre packed for you by your mother, only too find hundreds of neatly folded pieces of various types of lingerie and nighties.

Is she crazy? What am I supposed to do with all this? This is fit for someone's wedding nigh- wait. It is my wedding night. Should I?

You thought to yourself as you turned and run your fingers through the delicate multicoloured laces and silks, each piece only making your face warm up in embarassement. After pondering for a moment on your next move, you finally decided to just go for it. Jungkook and you are married after all, and he is a man. You nervously reached out for the most modest design, well as modest as a scrap of lace can be, a black set and hurriedly putting in on before covering yourself with a matching, barely covering anything robe. You tidied up the rest of the room, spritz on some perfume and sat nervously at the corner or the bed, waiting for your husband to finally join you. After the longest 30 minutes wait of your life, Jungkook finally walked in, hands busy trying to put on his jacket.

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