Chat Noir

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Raven pos.

I woke up and instantly felt dizzy. "My head..." I groaned loudly. "This is going to be a shitty day." I stood up and made myself ready for school. As I was done I grabbed my backpack and a sandwich and made my way to school. I stumbled sometimes in front of the school but didn't fall. My head felt so dizzy. I finally sat down as I got to the classroom. Adrien came up to me. "I wanted to say sorry for yesterday, I didn't know it was your seat.." he pushed his fingertips together and looked at me cutely. Urgh. "Whatever. I don't care as long as you don't get in my way." I said sassily. He looked at me confused but then nodded and sat down next to Nino. I was so close to Marinette. It felt like a dream. I looked at the time and everything seemed to spin. I just groaned again and slammed my head into the desk. After half an hour we heard windows crash and car alarms. We all went to the window and looked outside. "Holy shi-" I screamed and ran outside of the classroom for the first time. I never screamed. Not at anything. But that hideous thing I just saw. It gave me nightmares. It was so shocking. It was my biggest fear. I just ran and ran, I ran outside of the school and eventually two people with skintight suits made their way to the hideous creature. Some people yelled and screamed in victory. I could hear them scream: "Ladybug and Chat Noir! They are here to save us!" I just looked at them in awe. After a few minutes I noticed how everyone ran away, screaming in fear. A big truck was thrown onto the street, straight to me. I just stood there. Frozen in fear. But then before the truck could hit me, someone picked me up and we were in the air, then on a rooftop. I breathed out a shaky breath and looked at my savior. It was a guy with a skintight black suit and cat ears. Green eyes and blond hair. "Are you okay?!" He asked me quickly. I nodded and then just asked. "Who are you...?" He smirked and then said. "I'm Chat Noir. I am fighting against the evil with Ladybug!" I looked down to the truck that almost hit me. Then I got picked up again. "Show me where you live so I can bring you to safety." I grabbed tightly onto him because I didn't want to fall. After we got to my place I looked at him. "Thank you, Chat Noir." He kneeled down, took my hand and kissed it. "No problem, mon cherie~" He stood up again and jumped from roof to roof. I just stood there. Blushing like an idiot. "Chat..."

~timeskip to a few hours later~

I looked Chat up on the Internet and he already had a huge fanbase. Like, everyone drew him and he has so many fanfictions but most of them are sexualizing him. He must grow tired of us soon. "Chat Noir.. Chat Noir..." I must have been lost in thoughts because I didn't hear how someone entered my room. I just noticed them as they touched my shoulder. I looked up and saw Marinette. "H-hey are you alright? You ran out of school pretty quickly and you didn't come back. I thought something happened!" I looked at her weirdly, then remembered. "Ah! Oh I'm sorry! I.. just saw something horrible outside of school.... but then I saw two hero's! ... and then a truck almost hit me.. but Chat Noir saved me!" I said excited. Marinette started chuckling and put a hand on my shoulder. "That's good to hear." She said. "Want to grab something to eat?" I looked at her, then at my bed. "Sure!" I smiled gently and stood up.

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