36- Amber

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"Mrs Grayson you're awake," the nurse said smiling as she walked into the room pushing the oxygen crib where the tiny baby lay.

Emily tried to sit up to see the baby but was quick to wince in pain.

"Calm down Em," Daniel said helping her rest back against the pillows.

"Can I hold her?" Emily asked.

"Of course. She is a beautiful baby," the nurse smiled picking up the tiny baby and walking over to Emily.

Emily didn't know if she was excited or scared. She wasn't happy, that was for sure, but she was overjoyed to finally be meeting her little girl.

The nurse laid the baby down in Emilys arms and Emily watched her. The baby had a tuft of blonde hair like Emily, and had a tiny oxygen pipe running into her nose.

In a quick movement Emily buried her face in Daniel top and he put his arms around her. The nurse knew to give them a moment.

"Just make sure you put her back into the oxygen crib in the next 15 minutes," she said giving Daniel a sympathetic smile.

Daniel nodded and ran his hand through Emilys hair. It wasn't until the nurse had left the room that Emily spoke.

"She's so tiny," she cried quietly.

"I know Em. I know."

Tears were bought to Daniels eyes as he watched his tiny sleeping daughter.

"Why did this have to happen to us," she sobbed.

"Em look at me. She's going to be fine. She's a fighter like you."

Daniel kissed Emilys head and the baby squirmed on her chest letting out a whimper. Emily looked up immediately.

"Hey baby girl," Emily whispered as the tiny baby opened her eyes.

"Em she's beautiful. Look at her eyes," Daniel said.

"They are almost to light to be brown."

For the first time Emily saw the beauty in her baby rather than the sickness.

"Amber," Daniel whispered.

"Daniel....." She said turning her head to look up at him. "That should be her name."

"Em it's beautiful," he smiled.

She laughed and wiped away her tears, looking down at her baby happily.

"Amber Grayson," he smiled.

"Amber Samantha Grayson," Emily said kissing her daughters head.

Daniel wiped away the rest of Emilys tears and she smiled as Amber kept moving around on her chest, letting out tiny whimpers.

"She's hungry," Daniel said watching as Amber smacked her tiny lips together.

"Do you think they'll let me feed her?" She asked looking up at Daniel.

"She's our baby, and she's hungry. Feed her," Daniel encouraged as Emily leaned back into his arm.

She nodded and Daniel adjusted her hospital gown knowing she was sore and tired.

"Thank you," she whispered quietly as she bought Amber to her chest.

"Your welcome," Daniel smiled kissing her head.

Emily jumped slightly and Daniel rubbed her back knowing it was painful to start feeding.

"It's alright," he whispered.

"Yeah. It was like this with all the kids. I'll get used to it. She just latched on really quickly," Emily replied watching as her baby's eyes darted around the room.

Daniel smiled and looked outside the glass window to where Charlotte and Conrad were still sitting.

"Em I'm just going to talk to dad and Charlotte okay?" He asked.

"Are they here?" She asked looking up.

"Yeah they have been here since you got here this morning."

"Tell them to come in here. You should've told me they were here."

Daniel smiled and stood up then walked to the door, ushering Conrad and Charlotte inside. Emily smiled and pulled Amber away before fixing the hospital gown.

"Hey," Charlotte smiled sitting down beside Emily and Conrad stood talking to Daniel.

"Hi," Emily smiled tiredly. "Meet your niece."

Charlotte smiled and looked at the baby falling asleep in Emilys arms.

"What's her name?" Charlotte asked.

"Amber," Emily replied.

"She's beautiful."

"You should see her eyes. Daniel picked the name because of them."

"I'm sure they're beautiful too. She has your hair."

Emily smiled and ran her hand through Ambers tuft of hair.

"Ems I'm going to get the kids from mums," Daniel said walking over.

"No let me go," Charlotte said standing up.

"Are you sure Charlotte?" Emily asked.

"Of course. Daniel needs to be here with you. Ill be back soon," she said grabbing her bag.


A/N: hey guys. Firstly, thank you for all your lovely support and messages I've gotten recently. It means so much to me and inspires me to write these chapters! Sorry I haven't updated as recently as I normally do. I had this chapter pre-written and then accidentally deleted it and I haven't had time to write the chapter again. It's really frustrating because this chapter isn't as good as the first one I wrote!! I'll make it up to you and post again tomorrow

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