Part four

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They were sitting in the loving room of Jess Humble when the first of the suspects arrived. Laura's mom knocked politely on the door, Agent Fischer opening the door for her.

"I still don't know why I have been called here." Demanded Mrs Bone. Just as she opened her mouth, Rich sauntered into the living room, hanging to duck under the archway. Jesses eyes shot to Rich, her face portraying surprise.

"Just as I though," said Jane "although your phone gave it away. It makes sense now I think of it. Jess, you slept with Rich, and when Laura found out, she went off it, so you killed her didn't you Rich. And when you told Jess she got upset coz she thought she could get arrested for it to. The questions in the sheet confirmed my suspicions."

Mrs Bone stood up, tears down her face. She ran across the room, shouting swear words at Rich. He stood back as Cho and Abott restrained her. Jess broke down.

Lisbon hand cuffed Rich. "You have the right to remain silent but anything you do or say may be held against you in a court of law."

"Jess you won't be arrested, but you may be called in for a statement. Thanks." Jane left the house. Lisbon passed Rich to Abott. She ran after Jane.

"Jane wait. I need to tell you something. Im pregnant." 

Rich laughed as Laura tangled herself in his sheets. They were having a good time. Rich lay next to laura, her head coming to rest on his rising and falling chest. They lay there for a while, but Rich's phone disturbed the peace. Laura reached out and grabbed it off the side table. An unknown number was ringing. 

"Stick it on speaker," Mumbled Rich. Pressing the speaker button, Laura placed the phone down on the bed. 

"Hey Rich, its Jess, Jess Bumble. Has she left yet, Im so bored and I cant stop thinking about you," Laura hung up the phone. She jumped out of the bed and glared at Rich, who started laughing. 

"Im so sorry babe, you werent meant to find out," Rich stood up. 

"You jerk," And with that Laura launched herself at him, her long nails ready to scratch. He grabbed her and threw her on the bed, but not before a long talon ripped down his cheek, spilling ruby red droplets of blood on the bedsheets. He pulled something out of his pocket, a razor. Laura screamed as he laughed. He pressed the razor to under her left ear, and whispered, 

"Say your last words you bitch," He started sliding the razor towards her throat, adding more pressuere each pull. Laura screamed in utter anguish as the blade drew blood, and alot of it. Her head slumped forwards as Rich finnished the job. Carelessly he wrapped her up in the bedsheets and pulled her out the house and dumped her in the back of the pick up truck. Climbing into the front seat, he drove away. 

The van slowed down as it turned and started driving through Austin park. Rich stopped the van next to a bench and pulled the mangled girl out, throwing her against the bench. At last thought, he pulled out a paintbrush from his van and painted her nails and lips red with the blood from the wound. He laughed as he drove away. 

<<< THE END >>>

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