chapter one

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Dull bronze light filtered into the stale room.  Pale grey wall's and dirty carpeted floors.

The room had no color, opened boxes littered the corner. Packing tape  and picture frames stored away safely. Not a single thing would give you a clue as to who owned the room.  

Nothing in the room would give away that a person actually lived here other then the small twin sized bed in the corner of the room.

This was it. Just another temporary home that was soon to be forgotten.  Another three months spent in a place that never could feel like home. 

I stared off into the distance watching dust float through the air and begin shining as it passed the only source of light in the room. 

A knocking sound lifted me from my thoughts. "it's time to go dear" the soft voice of my grandmother echoed into my room. Todays the day we move to Afghanistan, so another rapid move across country just so we can stay close to my parents.

If you haven't figured I'm  a military brat along with my brother, moving across countries is a common thing. Its sad to say but its so common that the government actually sends us money just to be able to get homes in different places.

As much as my grandparents liked to say this time our home was permanent it never was,

Dont get me wrong despite knowing im leaving making friends and being social wasnt a difficult thing to do

. I Feel proud knowing I have at least one friend in every state in America. it just gets lonely sometimes. 

A harsh shake jolted through my arm as my grandmother lifted me from my bed.The covers fell to my sides and my brothers spiteful snickering was heard as it echoed across the barren walls.

k"Get in the car dear, we have to be in the airport in 15 minutes" grandma sprung to her feet and pushed her grey hair from her eyes.

My grandmother had pale pasty skin with dark circles under neath her eyes.

Her once bountiful hair was now thin and un even. wrinkels appeared on her aging face, and a deep pair of crows feet adorned her forhead. Despite her looks matching her age her quick thinking and her energetic movements would make you rethink any previous age you may have thought she was. 

Walking out of my room and towards the front door made me think about my parents. It felt like i haven't seen them in years instead of just months. 

The crisp dawn air hit against my skin making goose bumps rise onto my arms. My brother Matthew sped past me reaching the door and slamming it in my face. 

"this is what happens to people who are to slow." He stuck out his middle finger  and pushed up his glasses. I of course as a nice big sister that i am retaliated "well this is what happens to shit heads like yourself"

I opened the rusted car door and slammed my duffel bag into his ribs. "watch your mouth dawn"

Grandfather looked back at us and smiled "other wise grandma might make you eat another bar of soap" grandma gave a side glance at him before adressing us.

I always did wonder how they managed to stay married for this long.

"well if Dawn hadnt decided to call her brother a pot bellied shit head, maybe i wouldnt have had her wash her mouth out with soap"  


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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