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        A man in a ski mask put a knife up to your father's throat, and threatened to slit his throat if he didn't give him his wallet.

" I will give you my wallet. As long as you leave my child and me alone." He tried to negotiate calmly.

" Take it out of your pocket and hand it to me, Kontorora." Your father's eyes opened and he said " "what?" The man just chuckled.

" Huh-how?" Your father questioned reaching in his pocked for his wallet.

The man said " Huh. Don't think the villains don't care to plan against the beloved Kontorora." ( Kontorora coming from the English word  'controller' translated to Japanese.)

( Your father had the quirk to be able to control someone, as long as he can see them.)

" My crew has devised a plan to kill you.  You may not be stronger than All might but you've been causing me and my crew some problems."

" Yes. Valid point, but I don't know why you won't confront me face-to-face, Ikari'?"

( Ikari coming from the English word 'anger')

Your eyes widened. ' Father would be able to control him, and get out of this much easier. Ikara knows of this, so he attacked from behind. Clever.'

" I know every one of your tricks Kontorora. You can control my mind as long as I'm in your sight."

Your father sighed and looked at you, and you could hear his voice in your head ' Y/N, when I say so, pick up that shattered mirror piece and throw it in front of me. That will give me a reflection of him. Then I will slow down time and relocate the last four seconds behind three seconds. That will give me enough time to control him.'

" You know. As kids, I thought that we were going to be friends. But, your mind went somewhere else. Your first appearance on TV was caused from me! I made you famous! But look now. The world's third best hero is about to die in 5... 4... 3... 2-"

' Now Y/N!' you threw the mirror shard and you could feel time bend, and you could see Ikari's pupils turn orange.

But it was too late. Thick crimson liquid run down your father's neck. You gasped.

You watched as your father fell to the ground, and Ikari's eyes returned to their original bluish-green color.

He blinked and looked down at your father's motionless body. A smile grew on his face.

"Foolish attempt." He remarked. A fat tear roll down your face. Your knees wobbled, and your lip started quivering.

" Duh-daddy?" You shouted sprinting over to your father, your legs uneasy.

You dropped to your knees flipped him over on his back. You picked up his head and touched your foorhead with his, and let your tears fall into his face.

You sat back up on your knees and looked at your hands. They were covered in your father's blood.           " Why?" You whispered. " Why?!" You cried at the top of your lungs.

Your E/C orbs traveled to your father's murderer. A frown formed on your face. But you put on a snarl and growled. Your hands bursted in flames and your ran towards him yelling " He didn't deserve this you worthless bastard."

Your blue dress was flying up, and it was quite revealing but your mission at the moment was to kill 'Ikari'.

He bent down and picked you up from under your arms and lifted you up.

" Shush kid. There is no reason why you should fight with me. Your old man deserved it. Because he made you just to make something that could possibly be better than him and leave an imprint on the world that his blood is superior."

You stopped banging on his back and took into consideration of what he said. The words swirled in your mind.

" He... Deserved it?"

You questioned aloud. " Yes. He was only using you to gain more money. In my opinion that's not a good father."

Your large E/C orbs locked with his " And my mom?" You asked

" She joined him." He answered in a calm tone.

Your lip started quivering again, and then you started crying again. Your hands gripped the hood of his coat.

" Those bastards!" You exclaimed

" Those cheating bastards!" You cried.

" Don't worry child. You can live with my crew for now." He said, pulling of the black ski mask.

' He must trust me very much. I could control him very easily now that he took his mask off. No, I trust him. He opened my eyes, and made me see the truth behind my dad.' You thought with a smile on your face.

" That would be nice Ikari'." You said with a smile.

"Please call me Teno."he exclaimed proudly.

" Is it okay if I call you 'father'?"

His eyes got wider, but so did his smile

" Sure honey."


This is just a short part for the start. I'm going to be making longer stories in the future. I think I'm gonna update this story every Monday through Wednesday. I hope you read my story, because I will put a lot of effort into this story. I'll see you next time 🤗.

My Hero( Izuku Midoriya x Reader) My Hero Acadamia FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt