Where am I?

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The world started to spin around me, I felt like I was falling for forever... Then everything went back. When I woke up I noticed I had different clothes on, instead of my black leggings and sweatshirt, I had a dress on with black flats. The dress was white with red stripes and a huge red ribbon bow on the back. My hair was now short with curls even though it was long and straight like it was about a minute ago... I started to get up when I saw something run past me and hid behind a dark purple tree, "Hello? Who are you, show yourself! Please..?" It slowly crept around the tree. I started to back up having no knowledge of what this creature, or person, could be capable of this. It was a light grey dog with a big blue bow around its neck, acting like a collar. "Oh, hello there little doggy!" I said in a cheerful tone, the dog's ear folded back and had a terrified look on its face. "What's wrong?" I started to move closer to the dog but it slowly was walking backward.

Then out of nowhere, it yelled, "RUN!!!" I was baffled by how it spoke to me then I noticed it started to get dark around me. I turned around and saw a huge black figure right as I was about to scream I shut my eyes.

I was screaming like a little kid getting taken away from their parents. Then something out of nowhere someone jumped out in front of me, it was a boy, looking like he was about my age. He had fluffy ginger hair and his kind of looked like he had gingerbread armor on.

"STAY BACK, RUN MA'AM!" he yelled at me. I was speechless but, as told, I ran. I was running as fast as I could, not looking back, but I never got the name of the person who just saved my life... I was so caught up on that, not aware of my surroundings, and tripped over a branch.

"Oh, hello little girl, we meet again. Sorry, I didn't speak sooner, I've never seen you around here! I was scared that you would be terrified of me speaking." I started to get up on all fours, my vision was so blurry but I could make out something in a tree. "Umm, hello? Who is this speaking to me?" I started to regain my vision, I looked at the grey blob and I started to make out the dog from earlier, it was actually speaking. "Oh, I am sorry Miss for scaring you earlier, if I was, I have no clue sorry though! Oh, I never really introduced myself now did I? How rude of me! My name is Morgan." Suddenly Morgan disappeared, she just vanished, into thin air.

I started to look around looking for where she could be then something tapped me on the back, "Hello! I never caught your name though Miss? What is it?" I just stared at her with confusion, "This has to be a dream, right? Like how does a dog talk!? This can not be real... Can it?!" Morgan just looked at me then burst into laughter, "What's so funny?! Where am I even!?" All of the sudden Morgan went dead silent, "You're not joking, are you...? Well, first thing first this is not a dream and then second thing second this is Wonderland! Where anything is possible!" I glanced at her and she just smiled at me. "Oh... This, so all of this, is real? This just has to be a bad dream. NONE of this can  be real!?" Morgan could tell I was in disbelief, "Well if the gingerbread guard didn't save you earlier you would have died! D-E-A-D!" I just shook my head and then realized how did she know that? She left before he came, right? "Umm, excuse me? How do you know that?" Morgan looked at me for a good minute then said, "Well silly, I'm the all-seeing dog! I see all and know all! Like for example, you never told me your name, but let me guess it, hmmm" she studied me for another good minute, "AHA, I GOT IT! Your name is Maria, so am I correct? Or am I correct!" I just gave her a stare with confusion, how did she know my name?! "Uhh, you are correct Morgan..." She started to jump up and down, "I knew it! Yay! Now I also can read minds if you haven't noticed by now, so that's how I actually knew your name! So about the dude who saved you, you think he's cute, right?" My face went red and I started to stutter on my words,"W-what n-n-no! I-I don't e-even know h-him!!" She looked at me and said, "Well here's a little backstory on him.. He is one of the powerful mages guards. He protects her with all of his life. So does his best friend, Ethan, but he is a gumdrop guard. Before Matt saved your life, he and Ethan got split up... Matt heard you scream and ran to where you were without Ethan. So, yep! Don't worry about him being single or taken, he's both!" I was confused on how he was both though,"Umm, excuse me.. How is he both Morgan? Also, who is this all great and powerful mage?" Morgan said in response, " Well, he would be single but he is being forced to marry the princess of Wonderland, Julia. Also, the great and powerful mage is Kailtyn, or Kail for short!"


Hey y'all! Like it so far? If so rate it! This is my first story on wattpad, hope y'all like it! Be sure to check in soon for the next chapter! :)

Have a good day lovelies <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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