life sucks

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matt was on top of me tickling me like crazy and I was laughing like crazy and he was laughing too.

a few mins later me and matt went upstairs and watched the middle.



-next morning

matt's pov

I woke up with maia wrapped in my arms.

I smiled.

I had gotten up to go to the bathroom.

after I washed my hands I got out and saw a note from maia's mom on the stairs.

that said

dear maia, I'm leaving, I'm going to just leave and never come back.....

I remember maia's dad passed a few months ago she was so sad and I was too.

*when maia's dad passed flash back*

maia: *is crying badly behind the school*

me: *hears crying and goes behind the school* maia?

maia: *is still crying*

me: *runs over to her and pulls her into a hug* sunshine, are you okay? what happen?

maia: *crying* my..da..d..pass...ed away..y

me: *is broken inside and hugs her tighter*

its gonna be okay? okay?

maia: no, no its not gonna be okay *Crys harder*

me: trust me it is gonna be okay? okay?

maia: *wiped her tears* okay..

*flash back over*

and now her mom is leaving her...

I feel really bad..

but I'm here and I need to take care of my best friend.

I love her.

and I can't leave her or let her stay alone.




maia's pov

I have read the note that my mom left me.

I was  broken.

what..what do you mean!! I was calling my mom and matt was at his house getting ready.

I'm leaving maia grace mitchell!

I'm leaving this world

I can't take it any more!!

you gonna leave me.... I stared to cry.

I'm not gonna have any body.. I cried harder

mom please Don't leave please! I screamed crying

I'm sorry maia but I love you so much and I regret this...

I heard a gun shoot.

mom! Mom!?!?!

she's dead....

*a week  later*

I've been cutting and its getting worse without my parents here..

I mean I have a brother but we barely talk...

he lives in California..

I live in new york...

its just so hard I cried to myself

as I sliced my wrist and legs.

I felt like I was gonna die..

I don't have any body..

but a group of

drug dealers that smoke and drink like every day..

I sighed as blood streamed down my 

legs and arms.

I saw my cuts and cried.

bruises on my body.

i took a shower and dressed into

a dark green shirt with black leggings and a leather jacket.

I also put my hair into a messy bun and headed out the door to met dani at starkbucks.

*at Starbucks*

I saw dani and I waved.

she did a worried smile and pulled me into a hug.

I quietly cried on her shoulder and she did on mine.

she leaned back and I did too.

its gonna be okay babe okay?

I did a cracked smile is it?

she wiped my tears and her tears

yes it is. she smiled

dani was like an older sister to me.

her and matt have been there for me

also have sam, kian, and jc but dani and Matt were something special.




me and dani ordered our coffee and sat at a table.

so have you been talking to matt? dani said as she siped her coffee.

no, not really I'm kinda ignoring him.. I said

why? he's your best friend? dani said

idk, i mean I want to talk to him and he has been calling and texting me for days and I'm just sad from what happened. I said sadly.

but that's not a reason maia, he is so caring of you and protective and your there being a bitch and bitching around with matt! he has been calling, texting, face timing you and oh you don't answer! like wtf! dani screamed at me.

I'm sorry! gosh you don't know how I feel

dani! I've been through a lot and maybe I'm going through something that has to do with suicide! mabye I'm cutting my self, killing myself and no one knows how I fricking feel, not even matt...

I'm broken.

and nobody can ever fix me, NO ONE.

I screamed on the top of my lungs at dani.

dani had a shocked look on her face

maia..I didn't know.... dani said in a voice.

well you know now.. I cried as my coffee spilled on the floor and I ran out of the door.

I'm just a girl that is about to kill herself.

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