Chapter 1

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    This is my first avengers fanfiction so it's probably not great. Please just stick with it till the end of chapter one and give me advice if possible. Thanks!!
Sorry if it seems choppy. I don't own any of the charcaters just the plot.
Peter's POV

         Pain. That's all I felt. It seeped into my bones making me wince. 

          Pain. That's all I thought. All the noises processed by my brain were screams but behind the screams, I heard voices. I blinked confusedly. Voices?, I questioned. It was odd to hear voices when I was in my cell.  

        The man guarding my cage looked around confused before picking up his weapon. I flinched expecting him to use it on me as he did several times before. He didn't and that surprised me. 

         Dashing out of the room the guard, that I never learned the name of, left me alone. Alone, it was odd being alone for once. I always had a guard or scientist by my side to make sure I didn't kill myself. Or their 'perfect' little experiment didn't hurt himself.

         Again there were screams. Not my own but the monsters that held me captive. That made me into this. It was odd hearing there screams. Ya, I've heard them before but only screams of delight. Well, I guess once I heard someone scream. There was a man with dark long hair with the same looking eyes too. I never saw him again he just seemed to disappear. 

        The doors separating my room from the hallway shook. I shook too. 

         Before my own eyes, the doors burst open creating dust to fly up into the air. A cough racked my small frame. When the dust cleared I saw the famous Avengers. 

       Every one of the Avengers stood tall already for I fight as I was too. No matter what I remember from accidentally seeing on the TV during training I still didn't trust them. I shook with both nerves and fear. I was ready for a fight and they seemed the same.

Wanda's POV

   Me, Pietro, and the rest of the Avengers were in a Hydra base; one Bucky used to be held in. Our mission was to find information on a weapon they've been working on for some time now. Exactly six years. It was still odd to fight side by side with the Avenger even if we weren't the only ones with bad backgrounds. There was Bucky the killer, Steve the man with no one left from his past, Natasha the Red Room's favorite assassin, and so many more.

    " Heads up, Maximoff! " Natasha yelled out to me. Turning my sight to the fight once more I shot a web of red power through my hands knocking out a few Hydra guards. I watched my brother run with the speed almost as fast as sound as I kept on knocking out guards. I was glad he was still here. Yes, a few bullet holes were still stitched up but nothing too bad. 

    When it seemed they all dropped dead or unconscious more ran out of doors. They never quite stop coming, do they? I guess their motto was true, cut off one head and two more grows in its place. Again they all dropped and one man was left conscious. Weak but conscious.

     " Do your thing Red," Tony spoke giving me yet another nickname.  I sighed closing my eyes giving him a swift but firm nod. Opening my eyes I walked toward the man and placed my hand on his forehead and I gasped my eyes snapping wide open.

       I stood in a dark hall. The same one we were in now. It was all blurry, distorted. I walked my feet dragging against the floor unable to lift my feet. 

       I reached out with my hand reaching toward the door. It was cold against my bare hands. My breath was a white mist as I opened the big door, creaking in protest. 

      A boy no older than five maybe six laid strapped to a cold surface of the metal.  He whimpered making my heartbreak. A scientist wore clad in scrubs before inserting a needle into the young boy's arm. His head rolled to the side eyes widening as if he could see me. He couldn't though; it was just a memory. His black eyes flickered shut and the own memory I was in fell apart with it.

      My eyes flutter closed then snapped open. I turned toward the team and spoke. " There is a boy," I spoke this time only a whisper, " he is the weapon."
       " How old?" I knew Natasha would worry about the age. It was only fair that she didn't want the same thing that happened to her to someone else.

       " About five or six I couldn't tell. " Collective gasp were heard from the Avengers. Natasha looked furious and my brother and the rest looked worried for the child.

     I walked toward the door pushing on it slightly it was surely locked. Creating a web of red magic against my open palm I flicked my hand upward bursting open the door creating dust to fly up around us.

      I looked around my eyes flashing red and ready for a fight.

Peters POV

      I crawled to the back of the cell cowering in the shadows. Looking toward the Avengers I noticed some were missing. The blonde god, the bird dude, and the green one were missing.

     Quietly they made their way toward my hiding spot making cautioned steps.
       "Anybody in here?" The man dressed in a suit of armor spoke only to be hit on the top of the head by a girl with red hair. I liked her. The same woman started to type on a computer before nodding her head to the witch power like girl to check where I was.

       Closing my eyes I squirmed farther into the shadows. I heard a light 'clink' from the lock outside of my cage before sensing someone crawling half way in.

        " Hey, look at me. " A soft voice spoke. A feminine voice. I looked up opening my eyes. She didn't seem scared or freak out because of my pure black eyes. I liked that.

       " Can I come in?" I nodded my head feeling somehow safe around her. Her auburn hair seemed a little messed up and her black dress a little ripped.

      I spoke for once my words coming out only a quiet whisper. " Name?" She looked at me questioning my words before understanding. " My names Wanda." I laughed slightly at the odd name my fangs glinting in the low light. She didn't even mind them either.

      " What about yours?" I looked at her confused. " You don't have a name?" She asked. I shrugged not trusting my words. She bit her lip before her eyes lit up. "What about Peter?" A small grin made its way onto my face before I nodded.

       " Well Peter, me and my friends want to help you get out of here. How about it?" I hesitated before nodding. She shimmed her way out of my cage before holding her hand out. I took it a crawled out only to yelp in surprise as she lifted me into her arms.

      " I can put you down if you don't like to be held." Wanda offered. I shook my head 'no' resting my head on her shoulder and fell asleep.

Hope you liked it! Sorry, it was kinda short. I hope the next chapter will be longer.

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