Chapter 2

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    So this is after the beginning fight in Civil War when Wanda accidentally blew up part of the building and before the meeting with Ross ( The secretary dude if you forgot his name). Peter has warmed up a little but still shy and a little closed off.  One thing the Avengers don't really know is that Peter's fangs are venomous. If I didn't say this before, May is dead. 

Peter's P.O.V.

"- of state." I caught the last part of what vision said before he walked out giving me only a glance before continuing on. I peeked out from behind the wall trying to make sure someone didn't see me spying until I heard Wanda's voice wander into my ears. " Peter is that you?" Knowing I was spotted I shuffled my way in. 

  " I should go see who Tony's brought in this time." The blond guy said before standing up to leave. On the way to the door, he gave me a smile and my face stretched to outmatch his my fangs seeming to glint in the really bright lighting. 

   " Come on up, little spider." Wanda said patting the space next to her. I walked towards the bed pushing myself up not wanting to be helped onto the bed. I stared at her before crawling into her lap. " Sad?" I said pointing to her. " I'm not sad, little spider. " She looked down at me trying to find a word that described her feelings. " I'm just not great right now." 

   " You sick?" I said in my broken English. She laughed making me giggle " I'm not sick I just want to be alone right now."

  " Alone?" I questioned. " Alone." She repeated. I crawled out of her lap dropping to the floor. "Where are you going?" I looked at her confused. 

   " Wanted alone." Her once glazed eyes seemed to brighten with laughter. "I think I need a hug actually." I smiled when she did climbing back onto the bed giving her a big hug hoping to cheer her up. " I have to go see what Steve and Tony are up to want to come with?" She said still hugging me. I nodded my head. 

   She got up still holding me only this time on her hip walking through the halls until she found the group of people that rescued me, a pale-haired guy dubbed her twin and some older guy. Putting me on the ground but still holding my hand Wanda asked  the same question I was thinking, " Who is this?" 

  " This is the secretary of state," Tony said pointing to the guy in an unelegant way. " he's the guy I brought into our humble tower." The secretary guy looked curiously at me and I quickly closed my eyes and mouth hiding my pure black eyes and gleaming fangs. " And who is that?" The guy said. I could sense him moving closer so I hid behind Wanda's legs she placed her hand on my shoulder in a protective way. 

 " He is none of your concern, sir." Ms. Natasha said stopping him with her arm. I peeked through my eyelids seeing him giving me a curious look before turning away saying over his shoulder, "No children in the meeting." 

  Wanda crouched down to my height whispering in my ear, " You can stay in my room, okay? You can look through my photo album if you like." I nodded appreciated that she knew I liked to look at her photos. I let go of her hand running through the halls before turning into her room throwing myself onto her bed. Leaning down I pulled a photo album from the bottom of her bed looking through it for a while before my enhanced hearing picked up a saddened sigh. Closing the photo album I put in up before running through the halls looking for the person who sighed since I was slightly bored. When I found the person it was Steve close to tears. 

   " Sad?" I questioned tugging on his pants leg. He looked down surprised to see me. " What are you doing out of Wanda's room?" He asked. I shrugged looking down. " Should've known you would have gotten bored. Well, the meetings over and I think Wanda would like to see you." Smiling I ran off to find Wanda only to be stopped by the secretary guy. I once again closed my eyes and clenched my jaw tighter. 

  " Aren't you that girl Wanda's kid?" I shook my head no. " Not her kid well then why you here?" I refused to answer his questions scared of opening my mouth.

      " Do you even speak." I nodded my head yes. " The speak!" I whimpered scared of the harsh voice. " Open your eyes kid." His voice was scary and my eyes opened scared for my life. 

    " Holly sh-" He cut himself of staring at my eyes " You little freak!" He shouted and that's when I finally opened my mouth.  " No freak." I spoke out. His eyes glanced at my fangs and I clamped my jaw shut but it was too late. 

   " You are a freak you got the eyes and fangs that say it all!" He shouted and tears pricked my eyes making my vision blurry as I ran trying to find Wanda.

     Soon enough I gave up and ran to her room seeing her and Vision in a heated argument but it stopped once they saw me crying. " I shall take my leave." Vision said drifted through the wall making Wanda roll her eyes. 

     "Peter are you alright?" I shook my head no and she opened her arms for a hug. I ran at her full force launching myself into her arms knocking the wind out of her. " How about you don't do something like that when you have super strength, okay?" I nodded my head against her neck. 

  " Now tell me what happened, little spider." I nodded my head and started telling the story from the beginning ( A/N I'm too lazy to write that all again so....). As I ended Wanda seemed to hold me tighter a murderous look etched onto her face a red glow surrounding her hands. "You mad. Want me get Pietro?" I questioned. Her eyes widened before closing a little. " Ya, that would be nice." I nodded drying my eyes and ran off to find Pietro. 

   I ran through the halls only to run into by a scared Pietro running from a scary looking Natasha. " Wow, kid you probably should get out of here."  He said using me as a very sad excuse for a human shield as Natasha caught up. 

      She saw me and her face softened to a light smile and Pietro stared at me. " What?" I asked. "You literally made the Black Widow smile!" I ignored him and spoke out breaking the tension in the air. " Wanda wants to see you Pietro and since your here too I guess you can come to Ms. Natasha." I grabbed her hand before she could refuse walking off leaving Pietro no choice but to follow. 

   When I got to Wanda's room the lights were off with her sitting on her bed. " Hey, little spider." She said brightening up when she saw Pietro, Ms. Natasha and I. Her twin raced to her bed enveloping her into a hug and Ms. Natasha swept me into her arms grabbing a blanket in the process only to sit right next to the twins pulling the blanket around all of us. 

    That was probably the reason why Steve found us all cuddled up together asleep on Wanda's bed and how Tony got pictures of the 'cutest dog pile' as he puts it.

( A/N I forgot that Pietro was supposed to be alive until that very end and I was like gotta fit him in so I went back up to the top and was like ' pale haired dubbed twin'. Oops my bad.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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